A kind of prayer performed during the month of Ramadan made up by the Second sunni Caliph Umar b.Khattab.
In the Shi'a tradition, the recommended prayers ( al-nawafil ) during the month of Ramadhan are performed individually. The Prophet (pbuh) did so.
Useful information:
Imam Bukhari narrates from 'Abdullah ibn 'Abd al-Qari: "In one of the nights of the month of Ramadan, I went to the mosque with ' Umar ibn al-Khattab. We saw the people in scattered groups, with individuals praying by themselves. Others were praying with a group praying behind them. ' Umar looked at me and said, 'In my opnion, if I can bring all these people together, behind one reciter, it would be better.' So he gathered them and made 'Ubay ibn Ka'ab lead them in prayers. So I went with him another night to the mosque, and saw people all praying together behind the reciter. ' Umar looked at them and said, ' Ni'mat al-bid'ah hadhihi ' ('This is a good innovation')." Sahih Bukhari, 1:342