Meaning of GOPHER in English

A menu-driven and user-friendly system of Internet sites that facilitate searching and browsing of documents and files around the world. Gopher has been largely overtaken by more modern web browsers (see Web browsers ). Gopher was the first system that communicated easily between different types of operating systems and computer installations. The term "Gopher" arises from the fact that the system originated with graduate students at the site of the "Golden Gophers" at the University of Minnesota. The Gopher is one of the most popular of various menu-driven systems such as WAIS and World Wide Web. NOTIS Systems (708-866-0150) developed a Windows' front end to Gopher that is described in THE Journal, March 1994, p. 39. A graphical interface called WinGopher is available from NOTIS Systems Inc., 1007 Church Street, Evanston, IL 60201-3665 (800-556-6847). Gopher became very popular on the Internet, but it is now being replaced by a similar and more graphics-oriented system called Mosaic that has Gopher services available. (See also GINA , Mosaic , Internet , and SLIP )

Jensen's Technology English Glossary.      Английский словарь фирмы Jensen Technologies.