Meaning of PDA AND PDF (CONT.) in English

But there is one huge disadvantage of a PDF document on the web that is often overlooked. That disadvantage is that a PDF document cannot be scanned by web search engines such as Altavista, HotBot, and Lycos. If authors want to have their work picked up by search engines, one possibilty is to publish a summary of the PDF document in a separate HTML document. Include lots of key words and text in the HTML document that will motivate users to click on the hyperlink to the PDF file.

Adding (limited) text editing capabilities will not be viewed happily by all authors. For example, PDF files are often the files of choice by corporations issuing annual reports. A main reason is that they print so nicely from PDF files. Another reason in the past, however, was that users could not modify the text in a PDF file. With Version 4 of Acrobat Exchange, however, readers can change text, insert pages, import other PDF files, repaginate, etc. PDF authoring no longer comforts authors that their documents remain " P retty D ecidedly F ixed" after they are downloaded by users.

Jensen's Technology English Glossary.      Английский словарь фирмы Jensen Technologies.