Meaning of ANOTHER in English


1. one more of the same kind


see also





1. one more of the same kind

▷ another /əˈnʌðəʳ/ [determiner/pronoun]

use this to talk about one person or thing that is similar to the one you already have :

▪ ‘I’ve lost my pencil.’ ‘Don’t worry, here’s another.’

another person/thing/glass etc

▪ Would you like another drink?

▪ She got another chance to see him after the show.

another one

▪ ‘That was a good cup of coffee.’ ‘Would you like another one?’

another of

▪ This is just another of his crazy ideas. Ignore it.

▷ one more /ˌwʌn ˈmɔːʳ/

another - use this to emphasize that this will be the last one :

▪ One more drink and then I really have to go.

▪ I’ll give you one more chance to tell the truth.

▷ extra /ˈekstrə/ [adjective only before noun]

in addition to the usual amount or number - use this about something useful that you may need :

▪ Bring an extra set of clothes in case you decide to stay overnight.

▪ Do you want to earn some extra cash?

▷ spare /speəʳ/ [adjective only before noun]

spare room/key/tyre etc

another room, key etc that you do not usually use but you can use if you need to :

▪ I always leave a set of spare keys with my neighbor.

▪ All cars have to carry a spare tyre by law.

▷ additional /əˈdɪʃ ə nəl/ [adjective only before noun] formal

more than the usual or expected amount :

▪ There will be an additional charge for any extra baggage.

▪ Additional security was provided for the President’s visit.

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