1. to tell someone that you are sorry you did something
2. what you say to tell someone that you are sorry
to feel sorry for something you have done : ↑ REGRET/NOT REGRET
to feel sorry for someone who has a problem : ↑ SYMPATHIZE
1. to tell someone that you are sorry you did something
▷ say you are sorry /ˌseɪ juː əʳ ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ [verb phrase]
to tell someone you are sorry that you have upset them or done something that causes problems for them :
▪ Sometimes it’s not easy to say you are sorry.
say you are sorry (that)
▪ She finally arrived, and said she was sorry we had been kept waiting.
▷ say sorry /ˌseɪ ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ [verb phrase] especially spoken
to tell someone that you are sorry you have upset them or done something bad :
▪ She says she won’t see him again unless he says sorry.
say sorry to
▪ Go and say sorry to your mother, Andrew.
say sorry for (doing) something
▪ I don’t think I should say sorry for doing what at the time I believed to be right.
▷ apologize also apologise British /əˈpɒlədʒaɪzǁəˈpɑː-/ [intransitive verb]
to tell someone that you are sorry, especially in a formal situation or when you do not know the person well :
▪ I don’t know why I apologized, because I didn’t do anything wrong.
apologize for
▪ I must apologize for my son’s behaviour -- he isn’t usually this moody.
apologize for doing something
▪ The bank wrote to apologise for overcharging me.
apologize to
▪ The US has apologized to Britain for the accident that cost nine British lives.
apologize profusely
apologize very much
▪ She rushed into the hotel, apologizing profusely for being so late.
▷ be apologetic /biː əˌpɒləˈdʒetɪk◂ǁ-əˌpɑː-/ [verb phrase]
to keep saying you are sorry because you feel guilty or embarrassed about something you have done :
▪ The manager was apologetic, but said that Sue would have to contact head office if she wanted a refund.
be apologetic about
▪ He was most apologetic about not being able to come to the party.
▷ apology /əˈpɒlədʒiǁəˈpɑː-/ [countable/uncountable noun]
something that you say or write to tell someone that you are sorry :
▪ The story was full of lies, and the paper had to print an apology.
▪ In a written apology, the BBC admitted they had misled the public.
accept somebody’s apology/apologies
▪ Please accept our apologies for taking so long to deliver the materials you requested.
owe somebody an apology
▪ I never thought she’d get the job. I guess I owe her an apology.
demand an apology
▪ Blake was wrongfully arrested and is now demanding an apology from the police.
letter of apology
▪ As he reflected on his appalling behaviour, he mentally composed a letter of apology to his host.
2. what you say to tell someone that you are sorry
▷ sorry/I’m sorry /ˈsɒri, aɪm ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ spoken
say this to tell someone you are sorry that you upset them or caused problems for them; you can also say this as a polite way of excusing yourself for a small mistake :
▪ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.
▪ Sorry, did I step on your foot?
I’m very/really/terribly sorry
▪ I’m really sorry, Joanna. I’ve broken one of your glasses.
sorry/I’m sorry (that)
▪ I’m sorry that I shouted at you.
▪ Sorry we’re late, Shelley.
sorry/I’m sorry about
▪ Sorry about all the noise.
sorry/I’m sorry to do something
▪ I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to discuss my essay.
sorry/I’m sorry for (doing something)
▪ I’m sorry for barging in without ringing the bell.
▷ excuse me /ɪkˈskjuːz miː/ especially American, spoken
say this to tell someone you are sorry because you accidentally touched them or made a small or embarrassing mistake :
▪ Oh, excuse me, is that your bag I just stood on?
▪ Excuse me - I didn’t realize there was anyone in here.
▷ I beg your pardon /aɪ ˌbeg jɔːʳ ˈpɑːʳdn/ formal spoken
say this when you make a small mistake and you want to say sorry politely :
▪ ‘That’s my pen.’ ‘Oh, I beg your pardon - I thought it was mine.’
▷ I apologize also I apologise British /aɪ əˈpɒlədʒaɪzǁ-əˈpɑː-/
say this to apologize in a fairly formal way, for example when you have upset someone or done something wrong or unfair :
▪ You were right and I was wrong. I apologize.
▪ I apologize in advance if anyone’s offended by this.
I apologize for
▪ I apologise for writing to you like this, out of the blue.
▷ I owe you an apology /aɪ ˌəʊ juː ən əˈpɒlədʒiǁ-əˈpɑː-/
say this when you have done something that you later find out to be wrong or unfair :
▪ It seems I owe you an apology -- I was supposed to phone you on Saturday night.
I owe you an apology for (doing something)
▪ I think I owe you an apology for my behaviour the other night.
▷ forgive me /fəʳˈgɪv miː/
say this when you have done something wrong or have upset someone, or when you are going to say or ask something that might seem rude or offensive :
▪ Forgive me, I didn’t mean to offend you.
forgive me for doing something
▪ Forgive me for asking, but how old are you?
▪ Forgive me for saying this, but you really don’t look well at all.
▷ please accept my apologies /pliːz əkˌsept maɪ əˈpɒlədʒizǁ-əˈpɑː-/
used in formal letters :
▪ Please accept my apologies. I will be taking steps to ensure this does not happen again.
please accept my apologies for
▪ Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this error has caused.