1. bright light
2. extremely bright
3. when a place has plenty of light
4. not bright
bright colour : ↑ COLOUR
see also
1. bright light
▷ bright /braɪt/ [adjective]
a bright light shines strongly :
▪ From the top of the hill they could see the bright lights of the city below them.
▪ After so long indoors the bright sunshine hurt Jack’s eyes.
▪ There was a flash of bright light beyond the forest and the thunder exploded again.
brightly [adverb]
▪ The fire was burning brightly now.
brightness [uncountable noun]
▪ She closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun.
▷ strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective]
a strong light is very bright and helps you to see things clearly :
▪ The light from the flashlight wasn’t strong enough to read by.
▪ The colors had faded after years of being exposed to strong sunlight.
strongly [adverb]
▪ Daylight shone strongly through the cracks in the blinds.
▷ good /gʊd/ [adjective]
good light in a place where you are working is strong enough for you to see what you are doing :
▪ The windows in the roof gave us a good light to work by.
▪ The light isn’t good here. Go stand by the window.
▷ harsh /hɑːʳʃ/ [adjective]
harsh light is very bright and unpleasant :
▪ In the harsh light of the street lamps Michelle looked tired and old.
▪ The lighting in these offices is so harsh, it gives me a headache.
2. extremely bright
▷ brilliant /ˈbrɪljənt/ [adjective]
extremely bright and strong, but also attractive and pleasant :
▪ All of a sudden the stage was flooded with brilliant light.
▪ A shaft of brilliant sunlight shone through the dusty attic window.
▪ Suddenly, I looked up and saw a point of light that was more brilliant than any star I had ever seen.
brilliance [uncountable noun]
▪ The brilliance of the sun on the lake was quite breathtaking.
▷ blinding /ˈblaɪndɪŋ/ [adjective]
a blinding light is so bright that you cannot see for a short time after you have looked into it :
▪ There was a blinding flash and then a loud bang.
▪ The sun on the snow is blinding.
▪ The blinding glare of our headlights frightened the deer.
▷ dazzling /ˈdæʒlɪŋ/ [adjective]
a dazzling light is so bright that it hurts your eyes and makes it difficult for you to see :
▪ We walked out of the cinema into dazzling sunshine.
▪ The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water.
dazzlingly [adverb]
▪ The room was so dazzlingly bright that we had to look away.
▷ blazing /ˈbleɪzɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun]
extremely bright - use this about the sun, or about lights that you can see from a long way away :
▪ The blazing lights of the casino shone out across the bay.
▪ At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink.
3. when a place has plenty of light
▷ bright /braɪt/ [adjective]
a bright place is full of light, especially in a way that seems pleasant and attractive :
▪ The big windows in this room make it nice and bright.
▪ Claire had a lovely bright bedroom which was decorated in yellow and white.
▪ We emerged from a dark corridor into a bright, airy courtyard.
brightness [uncountable noun]
▪ The colored lights in the distance grew in brightness as I got closer.
▷ light /laɪt/ [adjective]
a light building or room has plenty of light in it, especially because it has big windows :
▪ The kitchen is light and airy, with a fantastic view.
▪ The hallway led to a light and spacious studio.
▷ well-lit /ˌwel ˈlɪt◂/ [adjective phrase]
a place that is well-lit is bright because there electric lights, so it is easy for you to see what you are doing :
▪ I always try to park in a well-lit area at night.
▪ To avoid eye problems, make sure that your desk is well-lit.
4. not bright
▷ pale /peɪl/ [adjective]
light that is pale is not bright and has very little colour in it :
▪ I couldn’t get to sleep until I saw the first pale light of dawn.
▪ The sunlight through the thick clouds was pale and cool that morning.
▪ The banks of the river are bathed in pale moonlight.
▷ dim /dɪm/ [adjective]
a dim light or lamp is not bright and makes it difficult for you to see - use this about lights inside rooms or buildings, not the light outside :
▪ It was impossible to read by the dim light of the fire.
▪ There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp.
▪ Dying embers gave out a dim glow in the hearth.
dimly [adverb]
▪ a dimly-lit corridor
dim [intransitive/transitive verb]
if the lights dim or if you dim the lights, they become less bright :
▪ The lights dimmed, and the audience went quiet as the curtain rose.
▪ She dimmed the lights to create a more romantic atmosphere.
▷ weak /wiːk/ [adjective]
weak light is not bright, especially when you need it to be brighter, or when it was brighter before :
▪ In the weak light inside the bus Tom couldn’t see to read.
▪ the weak glow of the dashboard lights
weakly [adverb]
▪ A candle flickered weakly at the end of the table.
▷ poor/bad /pʊəʳ, bæd/ [adjective]
poor or bad light is not bright enough, so that it is difficult for you to work or see what you are doing :
▪ Reading in poor light is very bad for the eyes.
▪ It was difficult to find our way down the mountain in the mist and bad light.
▷ soft /sɒftǁsɔːft/ [adjective only before noun]
soft light is not bright, in a way that is pleasant and relaxing :
▪ In the soft evening light Sonya looked ten years younger.
▪ The restaurant has a romantic atmosphere with soft lights and background music.
softly [adverb]
▪ Coloured lanterns shone softly in the trees and bushes.
softness [uncountable noun]
▪ The softness of candlelight added atmosphere to the evening.
▷ low /ləʊ/ [adjective]
low lighting is fairly dark, so that a place seems pleasant and relaxing - use this about the light in rooms or buildings, not the light outside :
▪ For our anniversary, let’s go to a restaurant with low lights and soft music.
▪ It was a while before Samuel’s eyes got used to the low lighting of the intensive care unit.