Meaning of ENEMY in English


1. someone you are fighting against, especially in a war

2. someone who hates you and wants to harm you




someone who opposes something : ↑ AGAINST/OPPOSE

someone who is trying to beat you in a game or sport : ↑ PLAY A GAME OR SPORT

a person or organization that is competing against you : ↑ COMPETE WITH

see also




1. someone you are fighting against, especially in a war

▷ enemy /ˈenəmi/ [countable noun]

someone you are fighting against, especially in a war :

▪ You cannot attack an enemy unless you have precise information about their numbers and position.

the enemy

the army or country that your army or country is fighting against in a war

▪ They accused him of giving secret information to the enemy.

common enemy

an enemy you share with another person, country etc

▪ Britain and France decided to unite and fight against their common enemy.

enemy/aircraft/soldiers/tanks etc

▪ One man was ordered to observe enemy aircraft and to warn when danger was imminent.

▷ foe /fəʊ/ [countable noun] formal or written

a person or country that wants to attack and defeat you or your country :

▪ Mitterrand drew France closer to the European union and to Germany, its former foe.

friend or foe

▪ As we approached the camp a guard called out: ‘Who goes there -- friend or foe?’

▷ adversary /ˈædvəʳs ə riǁ-seri/ [countable noun] formal or written

a country or person that you are fighting against :

▪ The peace talks proved that even great adversaries were capable of cooperation.

▪ Symes grabbed his adversary by the throat and wrestled him to the ground.

▷ hostile /ˈhɒstaɪlǁˈhɑːstl, ˈhɑːstaɪl/ [adjective only before noun]

hostile areas, soldiers etc are those belonging to a country or group that wants to attack and defeat your country, and are therefore dangerous :

▪ Hostile forces have taken control of cities in the north of the country.

▪ The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.

2. someone who hates you and wants to harm you

▷ enemy /ˈenəmi/ [countable noun]

▪ Did your husband have any enemies?

▪ My parents sometimes seem to treat me as if I was their enemy.

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