Meaning of FINALLY in English


1. when something happens after a long time


see also





1. when something happens after a long time

▷ finally/eventually/in the end /ˈfaɪn ə l-i, ɪˈventʃuəli, ɪn ði ˈend/ [adverb]

after a long period of time, especially after a lot of difficulties or after a long delay :

▪ After a lot of questioning, James finally admitted he had taken the car.

▪ In the end, I decided that the best thing to do was to ask Billy for help.

▪ The plane eventually arrived at 6:30 - over three hours late.

▷ at last /ət ˈlɑːst ǁ -ˈlæst/ [adverb]

use this when something good happens after you have waited for it for a long time :

▪ I’m really glad that Ken’s found a job at last.

▪ At last the rain stopped and the players came back on the field.

at long last

after a very long time

▪ At long last he was able to see his family again.

▷ sooner or later /ˌsuːnər ɔːʳ ˈleɪtəʳ/ [adverb]

if something is going to happen sooner or later, it will certainly happen but you do not know exactly when :

▪ Sooner or later this would end up in the papers, and I would be out of a job.

▪ I’m sure Brian will turn up sooner or later.

▪ He is worried that sooner or later his business will fail.

▷ one day /ˈwʌn deɪ/ [adverb]

use this to say that something will happen at some time in the future, especially something that you hope will happen, although you do not know exactly when :

▪ They’re bound to find a cure for cancer one day.

▪ I knew that we would meet again one day.

▪ One day ordinary people will be able to travel in space.

▷ in time /ɪn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb]

after a particular period of time, especially after a gradual process of change or development :

▪ She started as an office junior, and in time became director of the whole company.

▪ Jarvis was a strange man, but in time I got to like him.

▷ end up /ˌend ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb not in progressive]

if someone or something ends up in a particular situation or condition, they eventually come to be in that situation or condition - use this especially about something bad that happens :

▪ Forbes ended up in prison for not paying his taxes.

▪ The sweater that my mum knitted ended up twice the size it should have been.

end up doing something

▪ We ended up having to postpone our vacation.

end up as

▪ Our chess game finally ended up as a draw.

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