Meaning of GARBAGE in English


1. things that you throw away because you do not want them


to throw rubbish away : ↑ GET RID OF

to be very bad : ↑ BAD (1)


1. things that you throw away because you do not want them

▷ rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ [uncountable noun] British

all the paper, empty bottles, cans, pieces of food etc that you throw away :

▪ The dustmen collect the rubbish on Wednesdays.

▪ There was rubbish and broken glass all over the grass.

put/take out the rubbish

put it in a rubbish bin outside your house ready to be collected

▪ Don’t forget to put the rubbish out before you go to bed.

a rubbish bin

a container for rubbish

▪ Two stolen paintings have been found dumped in a rubbish bin.

rubbish dump/tip

a large open area where people’s rubbish is taken after it is collected

▪ I rescued this table from a rubbish dump.

▷ garbage/trash /ˈgɑːʳbɪdʒ, træʃ/ [uncountable noun] American

all the paper, empty bottles, cans, pieces of food etc that you throw away :

▪ There were piles of trash in the backyard.

take out the garbage/trash

put it in a garbage can outside your house ready to be collected

▪ I do all the chores, from picking up the groceries to taking out the garbage.

garbage/trash can

a container for garbage

▪ Will someone please empty this trash can!

garbage truck

a truck that takes away garbage

▪ Ken drives a garbage truck for a living.

▷ waste paper /weɪst ˈpeɪpəʳ/ [uncountable noun]

paper that you throw away, especially because it has been used :

▪ There are two bins. One is for glass and one is for waste paper.

waste paper bin British /waste paper basket


▪ She crumpled the letter up and put it in the waste paper basket.

▷ litter /ˈlɪtəʳ/ [uncountable noun]

empty bottles, packets, and pieces of paper that people have dropped on the street or in a park :

▪ These streets are full of litter.

drop litter

▪ You can be fined £100 for dropping litter.

pick up litter

▪ I am tired of picking up litter thrown by other people.

litter bin British /litter basket

American a container for litter

▪ a picnic area with large wooden tables and litter bins

▷ refuse /ˈrefjuːs/ [uncountable noun] formal

all the things that are regularly thrown away from the houses, shops etc in an area :

▪ Heaps of decaying refuse littered every street.

refuse collection

▪ Refuse collection has been seriously affected by the strike.

refuse disposal

destroying or burying refuse

▪ We are gradually developing safer and more effective methods of refuse disposal.

household/domestic refuse

refuse from houses

▪ facilities for recycling household refuse

▷ waste /weɪst/ [uncountable noun]

useless materials which are left over, especially after an industrial process, and which must be thrown away :

▪ Too much waste has been dumped into the North Sea.

industrial/chemical/nuclear waste

▪ Industrial waste had leaked into the water supply.

radioactive/toxic/hazardous waste

▪ The government has announced a ban on all imports of toxic waste from abroad.

waste disposal

destroying or burying waste

▪ The costs of waste disposal are rising all the time.

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