Meaning of MOVIE in English


1. films and going to see them

2. types of film


part of a film : ↑ PART (3)

see also








1. films and going to see them

▷ film especially British /movie especially American /fɪlm, ˈmuːvi/ [countable noun]

a story that is told using sound and moving pictures :

▪ Are there any good movies on TV tonight?

▪ What’s your favourite James Bond film?

▪ The film starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

see a film/movie

▪ Have you seen any good films lately?

▪ I saw an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie on the plane - I can’t remember its name.

film about

▪ It’s the usual sort of film about boy meets girl.

film/movie director/producer/company

▪ Tarantino is one of the most famous film directors of our time.

film crew

the people who operate the equipment when making a film

▪ For months the town was full of cameras, lighting and members of the film crew.

feature film

a full-length film that has a story and is acted by professional actors

▪ The story of Lawrence of Arabia was made into a feature film in 1962.

▷ cinema British /movie theater American /ˈsɪnɪmə, ˈsɪnəmə, ˈmuːvi ˌθɪətəʳ/ [countable noun]

a building where you go to see films :

▪ the MGM cinema in Leicester Square

▪ The city put $6.5 million towards a 10-screen movie theater and retail complex in Main Street.

▷ go to the cinema British /go to the movies American /ˌgəʊ tə ðə ˈsɪnə̇mə, ˌgəʊ tə ðə ˈmuːviz/ [verb phrase]

to go to a cinema in order to see a film :

▪ Do you want to go the movies this weekend?

▪ The last time I went to the cinema was when I saw ‘Stigmata’.

▷ be on/be playing /biː ˈɒn, biː ˈpleɪ-ɪŋ/ [verb phrase]

if a film is on or is playing at a cinema, it is being shown there :

▪ ‘Three Kings’ is on at the Phoenix at the moment.

▪ Spielberg’s new blockbuster is currently playing at over 2000 theaters nationwide.

what’s on?

▪ What’s on at the cinema this weekend?

2. types of film

▷ horror film/horror movie /ˈhɒrəʳ fɪlm, ˈhɒrəʳ ˌmuːviǁˈhɔː-/ [countable noun]

a film that is intended to make you feel frightened, for example one in which people get attacked by strange creatures, or in which dead people come to life

▷ slasher film/slasher movie /ˈslæʃəʳ fɪlm, ˌmuːvi/ [countable noun] informal

a film that is intended to make you feel frightened, in which people are suddenly violently attacked and killed

▷ comedy /ˈkɒmɪdi, ˈkɒmədiǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun]

a film that is intended to make you laugh and usually has a happy ending

▷ science fiction film/science fiction movie /ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃ ə n fɪlm, ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃ ə n ˌmuːvi/ [countable noun]

a film about life in the future, often with people or creatures who live in other parts of the universe

▷ thriller /ˈθrɪləʳ/ [countable noun]

a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime

▷ western /ˈwestəʳn/ [countable noun]

a film about cowboys and life in the 19th century in the American West

▷ war film/war movie /ˈwɔːʳ fɪlm, ˈwɔːʳ ˌmuːvi/ [countable noun]

a film about people fighting a war

▷ action film/action movie /ˈækʃ ə n fɪlm, ˈækʃ ə n ˌmuːvi/ [countable noun]

a film that has a lot of exciting events in it, for example people fighting or chasing each other in cars

▷ road movie /ˈrəʊd ˌmuːvi/ [countable noun]

a film about people who are on a long journey in a car, and the adventures they have while they are travelling

▷ romantic comedy /rəʊˌmæntɪk ˈkɒmə̇diǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun]

a film that is intended to make you laugh, about two people who meet and have a romantic relationship

▷ cartoon/animated film/animated movie /kɑːʳˈtuːn, ˌænə̇meɪtə̇d ˈfɪlm, ˌænə̇meɪtə̇d ˈmuːvi/ [countable noun]

a film made using photographs of models or drawings, which are put together to look as if they are moving

▷ epic /ˈepɪk/ [countable noun]

a long film in which a lot of things happen, for example one about a period in history or the whole of someone’s life

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