Meaning of SEVERAL in English


1. some, but not a large number

2. some, but not a large amount

3. some, but not all


see also




1. some, but not a large number

▷ some /s ə m, strong sʌm/ [determiner/pronoun]

a number of people or things, but not a large number - use this when you are not saying exactly what the number is :

▪ There were some children playing in the street.

▪ ‘Have we got any biscuits?’ ‘Yes, I’ve just bought some.’

some of

▪ Come over here and meet some of my friends.

some more

▪ I’ve got some more photos of her upstairs.

some other

▪ There are some other reasons as well as those I have mentioned.

▷ a few /ə ˈfjuː/ [quantifier]

a small number of people, things etc :

▪ ‘Are there any chocolates left?’ ‘Only a few.’

▪ They went to China a few years ago.

▪ We know a few people who work in advertising.

a few of

▪ I’m going to the club with a few of my friends.

▷ several /ˈsev ə rəl/ [quantifier]

more than a few people or things, but not a large number :

▪ The President visited several states on his tour.

▪ We’ve had several meetings, but nothing has been agreed.

▪ She’s been to Japan several times.

several of

▪ I’ve read several of his books and they’re really good.

▪ Several of the islands have beautiful beaches.

▷ a number of /ə ˈnʌmbər ɒv/ [quantifier]

several :

▪ A number of people said they had seen the stolen van earlier in the day.

▪ We have received a number of complaints about last night’s programme.

▪ A number of her ideas were very good indeed.

▷ a couple of /ə ˈkʌp ə l ɒv/ [quantifier] informal

a very small number but at least two :

▪ I’d just like to ask you a couple of questions before you go.

▪ Those baskets are nice, and they only cost a couple of quid.

▪ There wasn’t much mail this morning - just a couple of bills.

2. some, but not a large amount

▷ some /s ə m, strong sʌm/ [determiner/pronoun]

an amount of something, but not a large amount - use this when you are not saying exactly what the amount is :

▪ Can I borrow some money, Dad?

▪ I need some time to think about what you’ve said.

▪ ‘We’ve run out of milk.’ ‘Do you want me to go and get some?’

some of

not the whole thing

▪ Have some of this cake -- it’s delicious.

some more

▪ Would you like some more wine?

▷ a certain amount of /ə ˌsɜːʳtn əˈmaʊnt ɒv/ [quantifier]

a fairly large amount - use this to talk about people’s feelings, abilities etc :

▪ It’s a job that requires a certain amount of intelligence and skill.

▪ A certain amount of stress is unavoidable in daily life.

▷ a measure of /ə ˈmeʒər ɒv/ [quantifier] formal

a fairly large amount of something, especially something good :

▪ There is a measure of flexibility in the system.

▪ Having a job gives me a measure of independence.

3. some, but not all

▷ some /sʌm/ [quantifier]

some but not all of a number or amount :

▪ Some trees lose their leaves in the autumn.

▪ Some students only come here because they want to have fun, not because they want to learn.

some of

not all the people or things in a group

▪ ‘Have you met Jack’s friends?’ ‘Some of them.’

▪ I’ve only spent some of the money.

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