Meaning of SING in English


1. to sing

2. to make a musical sound without words

3. someone who sings

4. relating to singing


see also





1. to sing

▷ sing /sɪŋ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to make musical sounds with your voice, especially the words of a song :

▪ Sophie sings in the church choir.

▪ I could hear someone singing downstairs.

sing a song/tune/hymn etc

▪ They sat together and sang songs.

▪ All the family sang ‘Happy Birthday’ as Dad came in.

sing somebody something

▪ Come on, David, sing us a song!

sing to

▪ She sat in a corner, singing softly to her baby.

sing along

sing with someone who is already singing

▪ Sing along if you know the words.

sing in tune/out of tune

sing the right or wrong notes

▪ Anyone who could play an instrument or sing in tune was enlisted to take part in the concert.

▷ singing /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]

the activity of singing :

▪ I hear Frank’s taken up singing again.

▪ Everyone joined in with the singing.

▪ He asked her why she didn’t make use of her talent and give singing lessons.

singing career

▪ Danni decided to come to England to launch her singing career.

▷ belt out /ˌbelt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to sing a song loudly and powerfully :

belt out something

▪ The choir belted out songs from West End shows for over an hour.

belt it out

▪ This is a big theatre - you have to really belt it out.

▷ burst into song /ˌbɜːʳst ɪntə ˈsɒŋǁ-ˈsɔːŋ/ [verb phrase]

to suddenly start singing :

▪ He felt so happy he wanted to burst into song.

▪ The orchestra played a few notes and the choir burst into song.

▷ croon /kruːn/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to sing in a very soft, musical way :

▪ A woman gently crooned the tune of a lullaby.

▪ She wandered around the tables, while crooning ‘Embraceable You’.

▷ on vocals /ɒn ˈvəʊk ə lz/ [adverb]

if a member of a band is on vocals, they are singing the song’s words :

▪ The band was formed in 1999, with Stevie on vocals.

on backing vocals

singing the background tune, not the main one

▪ We went to see a band who had Julia Fordham on backing vocals.

2. to make a musical sound without words

▷ hum /hʌm/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to make musical sounds with your voice, but with your mouth closed :

▪ She hummed softly to herself as she worked.

▪ Musicals are uplifting, and you are sure to leave the theatre humming a cheerful tune.

▷ whistle /ˈwɪs ə l/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to make musical sounds by blowing air out between your lips :

▪ He stacked crates one on top of the other, whistling as he did so.

▪ You’ve been whistling that tune all day.

3. someone who sings

▷ singer /ˈsɪŋəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who sings, especially as their job :

▪ I wanted to have a career as a singer.

opera/jazz/blues/rock etc singer

▪ Jodie dreamed of being a rock singer.

a good/bad/terrible etc singer

▪ She’s very pretty, and a good singer too.

lead singer

the main singer in a band

▪ Mick Jagger, the lead singer with the Rolling Stones

backing singer

someone who sings the background tune, not the main tune

▪ In those days we had a band with a brass section and a couple of female backing singers.

▷ vocalist /ˈvəʊk ə lɪst, ˈvəʊk ə ləst/ [countable noun]

a singer in a group that plays popular music :

▪ The female vocalist came on in a long white gown.

▪ He’s a session musician, providing studio backing to well-known vocalists.

lead vocalist

main vocalist

▪ Tom, the lead vocalist, is also a talented guitarist.

▷ choir /kwaɪəʳ/ []

a large group of singers who regularly sing in a church or school or with a group of musicians :

▪ I have always sung in choirs.

▪ He’s a member of a Welsh Male Voice Choir.

▪ The school choir performed Vivaldi’s Gloria.

▪ Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin started singing in gospel choirs, not at music lessons.

▷ chorus /ˈkɔːrəs/ [countable noun]

a large group of people who sing together, for example people from a particular town or school :

▪ The chorus’s singing was excellent, and so was the orchestral playing.

4. relating to singing

▷ vocal /ˈvəʊk ə l/ [adjective]

relating to singing or someone’s singing voice :

▪ The band’s stunning vocal harmonies have earned them a big name in the States.

▪ the Beach Boys and other early '60s teen vocal groups

▷ choral /ˈkɔːrəl/ [adjective]

relating to music or singing done by a choir :

▪ traditional Welsh choral music

▪ The programme includes choral works, and music for string orchestra.

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