Meaning of UNCOMFORTABLE in English



1. feeling comfortable

2. chairs/places/clothes

3. journey/ride

4. things that make you feel comfortable


5. not feeling comfortable

6. chairs/places/clothes

7. journey/ride

8. things that make you feel uncomfortable


see also



1. feeling comfortable

▷ comfortable /ˈkʌmftəb ə l, ˈkʌmfət- ǁ ˈkʌmfərt-, ˈkʌmft-/ also comfy /ˈkʌmfi/ [adjective] spoken informal

feeling physically relaxed, for example because you are sitting on a soft chair or lying on a soft bed :

▪ I was so warm and comfortable in bed that I didn’t want to get up.

▪ You’ll probably be more comfortable if you tilt the seat back.

▪ ‘Comfy?’ ‘Yes, thanks.’

make yourself comfortable

▪ Sit down and make yourselves comfortable while I get us some coffee.

comfortably [adverb]

▪ He was sitting comfortably in an armchair by the window.

▷ snug /snʌg/ [adjective]

feeling comfortable and happy when you are sitting down or in bed because you are in a warm place :

▪ She looks really snug under all those blankets.

snugly [adverb]

▪ It was freezing outside but we were soon sitting snugly by the fire.

▷ in comfort /ɪn ˈkʌmfəʳt/ [adverb]

if you do something in comfort, you are comfortable while you are doing it :

▪ Travelling first class allows you to enjoy your journey in comfort.

▪ Now you can watch your favorite movies in the comfort of your own home.

▷ comfort /ˈkʌmfəʳt/ [uncountable noun]

▪ The hotel staff made sure nothing disturbed our comfort or enjoyment.

▪ After he became rich, he lived a life of idleness and comfort.

2. chairs/places/clothes

▷ comfortable /ˈkʌmftəb ə l, ˈkʌmfət- ǁ ˈkʌmfərt-, ˈkʌmft-/ [adjective]

use this about clothes, furniture, or rooms that make you feel comfortable :

▪ Thomas can sleep on the sofa, but I’m afraid it’s not as comfortable as a bed.

▪ She has a big comfortable apartment overlooking Central Park.

▪ Can you wait for a moment while I change into something more comfortable?

comfortably [adverb]

▪ Make sure you’re comfortably dressed before you start the walk.

▷ comfy /ˈkʌmfi/ [adjective] informal

a piece of furniture or clothing that is comfy is comfortable and makes you feel relaxed :

▪ Grandpa likes to sit in the comfy chair beside the fire.

▪ These old shoes are so comfy. I don’t want to get rid of them.

▷ cosy British cozy American /ˈkəʊzi/ [adjective]

a cosy room, chair, or situation is very pleasant and makes you feel warm, relaxed, and comfortable :

▪ The fire had been lit and the room looked bright and cosy.

▪ I wish I was at home in a nice cozy bed.

▪ There was a cozy atmosphere in the bar.

cosily/cozily [adverb]

▪ The bedroom was cosily furnished in bright warm colours.

▷ snug /snʌg/ [adjective]

a room or space that is snug is small, warm, and comfortable and makes you feel happy and protected from the cold outside :

▪ a snug little cabin

▷ luxurious /lʌˈzjʊ ə riəs, ləgˈʒʊ ə riəsǁləgˈʒʊ ə riəs/ [adjective]

a luxurious house, hotel, apartment etc makes you feel very comfortable because it has large rooms and expensive furniture, carpets etc :

▪ The hotel we stayed in was really luxurious.

▪ a luxurious yacht

3. journey/ride

▷ comfortable /ˈkʌmftəb ə l, ˈkʌmfət- ǁ ˈkʌmfərt-, ˈkʌmft-/ [adjective]

▪ ‘Did you have a good flight?’ ‘Yes, very comfortable thank you.’

▪ The truck gives you a surprisingly comfortable ride.

comfortably [adverb]

▪ I always go by boat - it’s the only way to travel comfortably.

▷ smooth /smuːð/ [adjective]

a smooth journey is comfortable because your car or plane does not shake, or the sea is not rough :

▪ It was one of the smoothest flights I’ve ever had.

▪ The car has excellent suspension and the journey was really smooth.

4. things that make you feel comfortable

▷ comforts /ˈkʌmfəʳts/ [plural noun]

things that make your life more pleasant and comfortable, especially things that are not completely necessary but which you are used to having in your home :

▪ She was starting to miss the familiar comforts of her home in Massachusetts.

material comforts

comforts such as money and possessions

▪ We enjoyed the material comforts of the booming economy.

5. not feeling comfortable

▷ uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəb ə l, -ˈkʌmfət- ǁ -ˈkʌmfərt-, -ˈkʌmft-/ [adjective]

not comfortable :

▪ The heat was making us all uncomfortable.

▪ They were forced to spend another uncomfortable night at the airport waiting for their plane.

▷ discomfort /dɪsˈkʌmfəʳt/ [uncountable noun]

▪ There’s a limit to the amount of discomfort anyone can put up with.

acute discomfort

great discomfort

▪ The disease causes acute physical discomfort.

6. chairs/places/clothes

▷ uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəb ə l, -ˈkʌmfət- ǁ -ˈkʌmfərt-, -ˈkʌmft-/ [adjective]

▪ She was dressed in a very tight skirt and uncomfortable-looking shoes.

▪ These chairs may look good, but they’re very uncomfortable to sit on.

▷ cramped /kræmpt/ [adjective]

a cramped room, apartment, car etc is uncomfortable because there is not enough space :

▪ cramped living conditions

▪ They worked from cramped offices near the main station.

▷ spartan /ˈspɑːʳtn/ [adjective]

a room, building, or conditions that are spartan are very simple and without comfortable furniture or unnecessary decorations :

▪ The students’ rooms are spartan but clean, with no carpets or central heating.

▪ The hotel was like a different world compared to the spartan accommodation I’d had in the army.

7. journey/ride

▷ uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəb ə l, -ˈkʌmfət- ǁ -ˈkʌmfərt-, -ˈkʌmft-/ [adjective]

▪ I hate travelling by train - the carriages are always so dirty and uncomfortable.

▪ In those days visiting the island meant a long uncomfortable voyage across choppy seas.

▷ rough /rʌf/ [adjective]

a sea journey that is rough is uncomfortable because bad weather makes the boat go up and down a lot :

▪ It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers were seasick.

▷ bumpy /ˈbʌmpi/ [adjective]

a journey by car or plane that is bumpy is uncomfortable because bad road conditions or bad weather make the car or plane shake a lot :

▪ After a bumpy landing, all the passengers cheered and thanked the pilot.

▪ To get to Agra we had to endure a long bumpy ride in an old bus.

8. things that make you feel uncomfortable

▷ discomforts /dɪsˈkʌmfəʳts/ [plural noun]

conditions that make you feel uncomfortable, for example lack of rest, nowhere to wash yourself, or very hot or cold weather :

▪ I wasn’t prepared for the discomforts of living in a place with no electricity or running water.

▪ the discomforts of pregnancy

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