Meaning of CONCENTRATE in English



BAD : I am concentrated on both speaking and writing.

GOOD : I am concentrating on both speaking and writing.

BAD : A bus driver has to be concentrated and should not speak to the passengers.

GOOD : A bus driver has to concentrate and should not speak to the passengers.


concentrate ( on sth ) NOT be concentrated : 'How can children concentrate on their homework when they have one eye on the television?'

Compare: 'The juice is then concentrated by a process of evaporation.'


BAD : The teaching tends to concentrate in grammar.

GOOD : The teaching tends to concentrate on grammar.

BAD : I try to concentrate in one subject at a time.

GOOD : I try to concentrate on one subject at a time.


concentrate on sth (NOT in ): 'She gave up teaching so that she could concentrate on research.'


BAD : I couldn't concentrate myself as there was someone talking.

GOOD : I couldn't concentrate as there was someone talking.

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