Meaning of ORIGINATE in English



BAD : One of our teachers originates from Scotland.

GOOD : One of our teachers comes from Scotland.


Originate is used in connection with things, ideas, customs etc (NOT people): 'No one really knows how the solar system originated.'

If you are born in and/or grow up in a particular place, town, country etc, you come from that place: 'Where does Agneta come from - Sweden or Norway?'


BAD : 'Alcohol', 'alcove' and 'sofa' originate in Arabic.

GOOD : 'Alcohol', 'alcove' and 'sofa' come from Arabic.


Words that enter a language from other languages come from (or are derived from ) those languages: 'The name 'terrier' comes from the Latin word 'terra' meaning 'the earth'.'

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