Meaning of ROB in English


BAD : The wicked old man robbed all my money.

GOOD : The wicked old man stole all my money.

BAD : They robbed $6000 from the office safe.

GOOD : They stole $6000 from the office safe.

BAD : While he was asleep, she robbed him his watch.

GOOD : While he was asleep, she stole his watch.


steal sth : 'Someone has stolen her car.' 'My watch has been stolen.' 'The girl has obviously stolen his heart.'

rob sb ( of sth ): 'The two youths had tried to rob him, but he managed to fight them off.' 'The old couple were robbed of their life's savings.'

Longman Common Errors English vocabulary.      Английский словарь распространенных ошибок Longman.