A foot abscess had cast doubts on the colt's participation in the Epsom Classic on Wednesday week.
A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
He told me that was why I had the abscess .
I remember his refusal of anesthesia when he had an operation on his leg and again a seri-ous abscess on his jaw.
Rare occurrences of intracranial hematoma or abscess have also been reported.
The nasal discharge and the discharge from the abscesses is highly infectious and this is how strangles is spread to other horses.
The operation was successful, and Gandhi thanked the doctor profusely, but an abscess developed and recovery was slow.
Three months later, the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses.