comply with/adhere to/conform to a code formal (= follow one )
All staff must sign and strictly adhere to a Code of Business Ethics.
conform to/adhere to convention formal (= do what is accepted and normal )
He’d always chosen not to conform to convention.
We do not know how many agencies and courts still adhere to this policy and practice.
Back then, he said, most Orthodox Christians still adhered to strict fasting rules during the 40 days before Pasak.
I wonder whether these diets are still adhered to?
Women take more time, talk easily and still adhere to the strict rules of manners.
The closing dates were strictly adhered to by the Office of Works.
The women were incensed, since they adhere strictly to the laws concerning MIKve after menstruation.
The two-tier principle was strictly adhered to in the 1972 Act even when there seemed little justification for itin particular circumstances.
Authors adhere strictly to a formula provided by the publishers.
An inquiry is now under way to find out if the rules were strictly adhered to in Mrs Allen's case.
The information desk was manned throughout the weekend, the timetable was strictly adhered to and everyone benefited from the efficiency.
In the original battle plans, which were to be strictly adhered to, ten minutes were allocated for the raid.
Whether it has always been strictly adhered to by magistrates and the police is, of course, another matter.
The two-tier principle was strictly adhered to in the 1972 Act even when there seemed little justification for itin particular circumstances.
The information desk was manned throughout the weekend, the timetable was strictly adhered to and everyone benefited from the efficiency.
There are guide-lines on standards of care but these are not always adhered to even when charges are high.
If these provisions are not adhered to , ensuing contracts may be unenforceable and criminal sanctions may follow.
In the original battle plans, which were to be strictly adhered to, ten minutes were allocated for the raid.
One rule they both rigidly adhere to is: never use the other one's equipment!
In neither class group is either norm - satisfaction or dissatisfaction - adhered to absolutely.
An explicit statement saying that applicable standards have been adhered to , or the reasons for departures, must also be included.
We do not know how many agencies and courts still adhere to this policy and practice.
Fortified by his second election victory Adenauer adhered to his policies , which continued to pay dividends.
Even those who believed that poverty was largely self-inflicted did not always adhere to policies strictly consistent with this view.
He has adhered to that policy consistently for several years.
The two-tier principle was strictly adhered to in the 1972 Act even when there seemed little justification for itin particular circumstances.
Establish a principle and adhere to it even if it is vague to others.
You see, my uncle has certain fixed views, certain principles which he adheres to rigidly.
He described eight principles to adhere to in order to free ourselves from suffering: 1.
Women take more time, talk easily and still adhere to the strict rules of manners.
Back then, he said, most Orthodox Christians still adhered to strict fasting rules during the 40 days before Pasak.
Such constraints include the need to adhere to certain standards or a limitation upon their ability to make excessive profits.
New manufacturing must adhere to world standards .
Edam cheeses have waxed coatings which adhere tightly to the cheese.
Peeling paint must be scraped away so that new paint will adhere .
The machine is cleaned regularly to stop dirt adhering to the working parts.
A subsidiary analysis evaluated those patients adhering fully to the protocol.
Back then, he said, most Orthodox Christians still adhered to strict fasting rules during the 40 days before Pasak.
Data from the 159 patients adhering fully to the protocol gave similar conclusions.
He should never have agreed to take part in this charade, should have adhered to his first decision to refuse.
Insist that goals, expectations, and boundaries be clear and adhered to.
People adhere to astrology with a dogmatic frame of mind rather than having a sceptical, critical approach.
The federal court has been putting pressure on the state to adhere to the population caps in the decree.
Whatever the purpose of the meeting, it should be stated at the outset and adhered to.