Meaning of ADJACENT in English





An immediately adjacent specimen was snap frozen in the endoscopy suite.

It had been specially constructed within the ancient structure of the Vatican, and stood immediately adjacent to the Audience Hall itself.

Up to sixty people can be seated and full catering facilities are available in the bar and cafeteria which are immediately adjacent .

The Secret Service will provide protection immediately adjacent to the chief executive, Meyer said.

The white lines depict the outlines of the Cairngorm and immediately adjacent granites.

Large numbers of important military installations are located in or immediately adjacent to urban areas.



However, because there is still some inhibition the neural activity stabilises as adjacent areas of excited and inhibited cells.

Decline and decay in one location will soon impact adjacent areas .

Even then, adjacent areas often merge into each other so that the boundaries are blurred.

Many tournament organisers miscalculate entry levels with the result that adjacent areas are crowded together and the competitors' safety is imperilled.

An adjacent area , Lagalochan, has more recently been investigated as a gold prospect.

The overwhelming impression in the survey of newly-established firms was also that they had originated in adjacent areas of London.

Repeat the process on an adjacent area , drawing the full brush towards the previously coated area.

Many of the concepts of systems analysis, useful in management theory as well as in computer technology, spilled over into adjacent areas .


Where adjacent building works affect an occupation, appeal.

Several dealers sold drugs in the hallways of adjacent buildings .

It is, for example, a public space and yet a private one too, as an extension of the adjacent buildings .

There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire.


These in turn inhibit some adjacent cells but excite others further away, and so on.

Not infrequently two or more adjacent cells may become confluent owing to the atrophy of the vein or veins separating them.

At the eight-celled stage the yellow cytoplasm is confined to a pair of adjacent cells .

As the tube folds, the CAMs of the future nervous system change and become different from those of adjacent cells .


Although general separation of points by environment was achieved there was always some overlap between adjacent fields .


Following her instructions to the letter, I took the centre stitch and transferred it to the adjacent needle .

For example, the rule of not having two adjacent needles tucking.

Move stitch from needle 3 to adjacent needle.


He could not remember that, although he could remember Britt-Marie's soft moans coming from the adjacent room .

Military aides bustled back and forth in the doorway of an adjacent room .

This could easily occur if the spur was taken through a wall to feed a socket in an adjacent room .

Parents have the option of staying in the kids' rooms or booking an adjacent room.

Families may require adjoining or adjacent rooms . 6.

The study was empty; the light came from the adjacent room .


Fields adjacent to the nuclear facility were found to have high levels of radioactivity.

The blaze spread to two adjacent buildings before firefighters were able to contain it.

the sale of adjacent land


A naive operation consists of pushing one crate into an adjacent free area.

Deep-sea sediments may be scraped off the descending slab and incorporated into the adjacent mountains.

He would oppose any multi-deck parking structure adjacent to his project.

John Lewis, who represents a district adjacent to Gingrich.

Pseudocysts may be complicated by infection, haemorrhage, rupture, and by compression of adjacent organs.

They carry within their range of possibilities, which includes their genetic coding, information about adjacent and surrounding systems.

When the crowds later began thinning and the adjacent table cleared, Roquelaure leaned forward over his port glass.

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