Meaning of ADOPTION in English





Inpart it was a response to the needs of childless white couples for whom white infants were no longer available for adoption .

When Carol weans the pups, they will all be available for adoption .

These foster children are not available for adoption .

Of those available for adoption , 40 percent are black, although blacks represent only about 13 percent of the general population.


However, despite early adoption there have been considerable doubts as to the effectiveness of such rational approaches.

It is effective for accounting periods ending on or after 23 August 1993 although earlier adoption is encouraged.

We are working for resolution of outstanding points of technical detail with a view to early adoption by the Council of Ministers.

But there is inferential evidence for the early adoption of family planning.


So, to the moral case for the general adoption of the form we may now add the practical imperative.

It hopes to release its first performance accounting standards, for general adoption , by the mid-199Os.

It remains for us to consider the macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form.


The purpose of this paper is to examine further the issue of open adoption or adoption with contact.

Even so, two years later not all of them were satisfied with open adoption .


Another is that its method of valuation was too complex and this would detract from its widespread adoption .

This does not condemn interactive multimedia to death, but it does suggest a slower-than-expected scenario for widespread adoption .

The widespread adoption of a rigorous and effective pre-trial review?

The widespread adoption of floating exchange rates increased the uncertainty and risk associated with international trade and investment.

It remains for us to consider the macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form.

This has contributed to the widespread adoption and acceptance of Swahili.



Most adoption agencies offer support for three months after the adoption, but this is unlikely to be sufficient.

The demand for such babies is so high that some adoption agencies have difficulty meeting even a fraction of it.

And this lamb needs ewe ... the adoption agency that's proud of its woolly ways.

But adoption agencies , quite rightly, put the child's interests first.

Read in studio An adoption agency with a difference has been set up to help find parents for orphan lambs.

The first black adoption agency , New Black Families, began to tackle the problem in 1980.


An Act passed in that year gave power to the court to make an adoption order .

Again no mention was made of the possibility of making an adoption order with a condition of access.



Mr. Gummer My Department offers a number of grants to farmers that encourage the adoption of environmentally sound practices.

The general practitioner contract of April 1990 served to encourage the adoption of this model of care.


That has led them to the adoption of a decentralized, team-based, quality-oriented system.


And now guidelines advise on same-race adoption policy.

But as Table 2-1 shows, the adoption of free-market develop-ment models has raised their average growth rates.

Following mounting concern about some of the problems of adoption and fostering, a departmental committee was set up to investigate.

Further, supporters of the bill seem ignorant of the dangers of the path they are taking adoption policy.

Its adoption , however, was to be delayed until the new Constitution came into effect.

Within the Ministry, there had been some pressure for the explicit adoption of replacement cost depreciation conventions.

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