alleged corruption (= that someone is accused of, but that is not proved )
He is about to be investigated for alleged corruption.
an alleged conspiracy (= that people say exists but that is not yet proved to exist )
The charges against him relate to an alleged conspiracy.
an alleged crime (= not proved to have happened )
No evidence of the alleged crime was presented.
The defence alleged abuse of process.
His evidence, he says, is in relation to an alleged abuse of the internal promotion system.
The court was told the charges relate alleged assaults between January 1, 1972, and December 31, 1973.
He's admitted shoplifting, theft and criminal damage but denies two alleged assaults on police.
He is understood to have approached the youths about an alleged assault in which a shop assistant was hurt.
The alleged assaults happened when two officers went to arrest him at a house in Cathcart Road in London.
This gave details of the alleged assault by him during the incident in question.
Three of the alleged assaults are said to have occurred on New Year's Eve 1991.
At Mansfield a 20 year-old miner went to prison even though unconvicted of any offence for alleged breach of bail conditions.
According to the ITAR-TASS news agency the referendum call was voted down because of alleged breaches in the law during the collection of signatures.
The cops believe they have both participated in an alleged crime and wish to get one or both to give evidence.
They also maintained that it would be impossible to hold fair trials so long after the alleged crimes had been committed.
At the time of the alleged crime , the brothers lived a few yards apart in the Perthshire hamlet of Aberargie.
The three-man tribunal did allow, however, that the exclusion appeared to be too harsh for the alleged crime .
It is now up to those charged with the duty of investigating alleged crimes to do so.
I was light years away at the time these alleged crimes took place.
There was a handful of claims for alleged failure to detect fraud on audit.
Ferranti this week received the report it commissioned from accountants Coopers &038; Lybrand on the alleged fraud .
This was the third time in six months that the federal government had intervened in state politics to redress alleged fraud .
Ferranti expects to take delivery today of the report it commissioned from Coopers and Lybrand on the alleged fraud .
The girl, now 16, was 14 at the time of the alleged incident .
The charges arise from an alleged incident involving a boy aged four in Walton at the weekend.
Details about the alleged incident were given by a prosecuting lawyer at Belfast Crown Court in the trial of three Londonderry men.
Three Rochdale men were also charged in connection with the alleged incident .
Most of the alleged incidents occurred during 1985-89, with some dating back to the late 1970s.
The alleged incident happened at a house in Railway Street, on Saturday evening, two hours before the two were arrested.
The charge arose from an alleged incident on October 11 last year in Witham.
There will be a delay before the case proceeds while his solicitor finds out more information about the alleged incident .
About 600 members of the armed forces were discharged for alleged involvement in the coup attempt.
And in Corse and Over, another four people were arrested and questioned about their alleged involvement in organising the festival.
One was about the alleged involvement of the special branch.
No plea was taken from Mr. Bell in respect of the alleged offence of drunk and disorderly behaviour.
He may still plead not guilty while admitting that he is the person concerned in the alleged offence .
Paul Hickson was arrested on Thursday and quizzed about alleged offences in a previous job at Swansea University.
Scarborough magistrates were told that the alleged offences involved a total of £803,000.
Earlier, he had been detained by fraud police from North Yorkshire investigating alleged offences under the Banking Act.
The alleged offences started when the girls were then aged four years, three years and the youngest 11 months.
She claims her alleged victim was confused and made up the whole story.
The 17-year-old alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in Brixton, South London, on Saturday.
an alleged conspiracy to murder President Kennedy
Death was the alleged penalty for those who divulged the secrets of the order.
He claimed she had frequently discussed her alleged suicide attempts with him.
Or, conversely, do alleged causes finally need to make sense in a system of rules and rational choices?
The alleged attacks were said to have taken place at the family's home in Flint.
The Serious Fraud Office, which is investigating alleged Maxwell share support schemes, also refused to comment.
Three alleged police informers were murdered in the course of the demonstrations.