Meaning of AMAZEMENT in English



in horror/amazement etc

He watched in horror as the flames engulfed his house.

stare in disbelief/horror/amazement etc

Hilary stared in disbelief at the kitchen clock.




And when she gave birth to an eight-pound baby boy the whole family expressed amazement at such a miracle.

Those who knew me best at that time expressed amazement at how little confidence I had in myself.

When the regression was over, Sylvia expressed amazement at what had been revealed.


He looked in amazement at his watch.

Dudley Williams, veteran that he was, looked on in amazement from the sidelines.

Kirov dipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out the freshly stamped papers and looking at them in amazement .

Joe and Rex looked up in amazement .

Penelope Huntley looked at him in amazement , with dawning understanding.


Willie stared in amazement at the fields, his thin woollen socks heaped around his ankles.

Other excitements took their place but I was more inclined to stare at them in amazement than paint them.

Withel stared at him in amazement for a moment, and then quietly toppled into the mud.

He stared at her in amazement .

Suddenly I stopped and stood still, staring in amazement .

Two fishermen stopped work to stand and stare in amazement .

Father Poole stared at him in amazement .


Oliver followed behind them, watching in silent amazement .

As I watched in amazement , the partner gazed over her shoulder and gave me a big, mocking, self-satisfied wink.

I watched with growing amazement a succession of beautiful old pieces of furniture go into the cottage.

Karen watched in puzzled amazement as he dropped the thing into the wastepaper basket.

Dyson watched them all with amazement .


Fans looked on in amazement as Robbins missed a third goal for the team.

Nina looked at me with amazement . "I don't believe you," she said.

To our amazement , when we returned to China, the Moso tree had grown an impressive ninety feet.


He remembers thinking in amazement that his name also was being flashed on screens in thousands of other movie theaters.

Jinny saw Oz gaping in amazement and she kicked his foot.

She frowned, and checked again, her eyes widening in amazement .

They had chatted fairly amicably over coffee in the lounge, much to Paige's amazement .

To my amazement , it was just about as easy and even more fun than writing about real events.

To their amazement , his arrow was the first to pierce the inner gold circle, winning him the silver arrow.

Willie stared in amazement at the fields, his thin woollen socks heaped around his ankles.

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