Meaning of AMBER in English



Britain may also have been the trade-source of the small amount of amber found in Crete.

Her face was pale and tragic in the lamplight; her bright eyes shone like amber held up to the light.

I study the amber until the waves of indecision and conflict about leaving Joe and the house recede.

It stayed on her, pinning her down mercilessly, like a fly trapped in amber .

Jarvis even sees a market for eyeshields tinted grey, for sunny-day play, or amber , for street hockey at dusk.

Pollard would sit there savoring their gradations: honey amber , copper amber, apricot amber, root-beer amber.

The amber was at one time polished to make a pendant with the fly as centre piece.

There was no light on in the room directly above, but amber glowed from the darkroom doorway.

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