Meaning of AMBLE in English





The little man was ambling along in the middle of the street, looking around him with an expression of keen interest.

You describe the trains as ambling along branch-line style.

The men were ambling along , stopping every now and then for rests, biding time until their turn came round.

Having nothing better to do on a blustery Sunday, I decided to amble along on one.

People ambled along , indulging in the local pastime of frustrating car drivers who had the temerity to attempt a breakthrough.


I amble over to Odd-Knut to ask a few dumb questions.

When she saw where I was sitting she pushed her hands in her coat pockets and ambled over on her shaky heels.

He ambled over to the nearest tree - happily some metres from where I stood hidden, and turned towards the tower.

Heaving his body up to his feet he left his cool sanctuary and ambled over towards them.

We parked downhill from the cottage and ambled over to the top of the falls.


A pathway ambles up beside art galleries and chic boutiques to the domed church.

C.-They ambled up the crowded tunnel, one after the other, their eyes as lifeless as their team.


An old man appeared from behind the house and ambled across the yard.

Cecil was ambling along as usual without a care in the world.

One of the horses, a white one, slowly ambled towards me.


From Ggantija we ambled down to Ramla Bay and then climbed up old terraces.

He ambled towards us smirking, tapping a packet of air-mail envelopes on his palm.

Paul ambles out of the shed,. 22 rifle in hand.

The little man was ambling along in the middle of the street, looking around him with an expression of keen interest.

The reason may be that they charge up the hill while their elders amble .

The task force couldn't allow the elephants to spend a year ambling through a crowded settlement.

They watched me until certain I was heading another direction and then ambled on into the cover of trees.

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