Meaning of AMPLIFIER in English





IC1 acts as the input buffer stage, and it is a simple operational amplifier non-inverting mode circuit.

Note that the saturation potential differences are close to the supply e.m.f.s biasing the operational amplifier .

Differentiators based on operational amplifiers do not suffer from drift.



Most standard stereo power amplifiers operate in class-B.

Another unusual feature in this price class: outputs that enable those wishing to upgrade their home theater with separate power amplifiers .

In a power amplifier the load would normally be a 8ohm loudspeaker.

There are connections for an external power amplifier or powered subwoofer.

The power amplifier itself is almost totally performed on the chip and this makes construction very straight forward.

The on/off switch on the front panel should only control the power amplifiers and display functions.


Analysing the series-voltage case first, the open-circuit and loaded voltage gains of the open-loop amplifier are defined as and respectively.

Below is a six-channel, 600-watt amplifier .

Just another snooty $ 3, 000 vacuum tube amplifier , I thought.

The changes might include a handicapped parking space or a phone voice amplifier .

There is and always has been a yawning gap at the budget end of the amplifier market.

There was no way the amplifier and these cables could live together.

They stole a television, compact disc player, an amplifier and some speakers, worth a total of £900.

Through an amplifier , the New York maintains its acoustic brightness and bluntly refuses to be anything other than a blank canvas.

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