A tiny, wood and straw stilt hut, it stands close to the ground to allow easy access for amputees.
Also patron of amputees, basketweavers, gravediggers, and hermits; he is invoked against eczema.
As the Scouts approached the amputee , he was attempting to rock the weight of the cauldron.
Not to mention wasted opportunity for the thousands of amputees better deserving of such an opportunity.
Rickels, as do many amputees, wears a harness on his shoulders and back.
Sheisshaus was now a quadruple amputee , victim of Würstchen's over-enthusiasm in trying to apply a Band-Aid.
The main problem in Chechnya today is how to find artificial limbs for amputees.
This has denied amputees such as Moi one of their only sources of income.