You might find it interesting to consider the following jobs, which were advertised with mature applicants in mind.
All graduate and mature applicants will be interviewed before an offer is made.
Careers adviser Mature applicants for training are positively encouraged.
Probation work New training for probation officers requires applicants to have considerable life experience, so mature applicants are positively encouraged.
After April 1993, for new applicants , these funds transfer to the Department of Social Work.
A ballot will be held and all new applicants will be notified of the result by mid May.
For new applicants , different councils' rules and regulations on allocations may be more or less strictly enforced by local officials.
The Valuation Protection Scheme is being offered to all new applicants free of charge.
The longest operation will, of course, be entering the details of new applicants into the system.
It should be possible to put on about 100 new applicants in an hour.
Inefficiencies due to human error in conducting these laborious scans for potential applicants was another source for concern regarding the operation.
In addition, States also vary in the amounts paid to successful applicants .
The successful applicant will be required to provide academic stimulus and leadership in the Department of Political Science.
The surveyor wrote to successful grant applicants touting for custom.
The successful applicants accepted these offers of split contracts, though without massive enthusiasm.
Flexible working may apply to this job and would involve the successful applicant working on average one and half hours per week.
The successful applicant will also be offered a £10-a-day travel bonus.
Home working is a possibility in some areas and the successful applicant may be eligible for a company car.
High remuneration, excellent prospects and an immediate cash bonus await the successful applicant who will present himself at twelve noon today.
The Schedule also confers a right of appeal on an unsuccessful applicant or objector to the sheriff.
An unsuccessful applicant could appeal to the regional committee.
Finger-printing will be introduced for asylum applicants , to prevent multiple applications and fraudulent benefit claims.
It tells disabled job applicants that they will be given fair consideration based on their ability.
He liked to give job applicants timed tests containing 150 questions dealing with science, history, engineering, and other subjects.
The bad news for future job applicants is that there will be more decision makers.
Like job applicants there are usually a host of competitors vying for attention.
Employers would be barred from perusing medical information about employees and job applicants .
It's claimed that Honda is turning away job applicants who belong to a union.
Peer interviewing is a unique experience for most job applicants .
The students argued that the school discriminated against them by applying more lenient standards to minority applicants .
For eighty-four of the one hundred annual openings, minority applicants competed on the same basis as others.
Such proposals should apply to all applicants and employees, regardless of disability.
Hampshire were criticised by police after asking applicants for Benson &038; Hedges Cup final tickets to send blank cheques through the post.
An employment interviewer reviews these forms and asks the applicant about the type of job sought and salary range desired.
People say maturity is valuable, but most of the advertisements in our local paper ask for applicants aged 25-35.
The advertisement asked applicants to apply in person to the general manager.
They also find that it aids their recruitment by attracting highly skilled applicants trained on their equipment.
Each vacancy will attract many thousands of applicants in the form of new seeds or larvae.
They say mixed colleges attract more applicants and find it easier to retain academic staff.
The London weekday franchise attracted five applicants .
In the long term treating your staff and potential staff well will increase your chances of attracting high-calibre applicants for job vacancies.
They would not give fairly rejected applicants a charter to cause trouble.
He liked to give job applicants timed tests containing 150 questions dealing with science, history, engineering, and other subjects.
Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age.
I had the go-ahead last week-end and I interviewed the fourth applicant this morning.
They would interview applicants and they would recommend a man to him.
Blyth interviewed all the likely applicants and selected the 120 crew, placing 172 people on the waiting list.
The Valuation Protection Scheme is being offered to all new applicants free of charge.
Counselors pool together a group of qualified applicants and try to sell them to many different companies.
Being prepared to fill an opening quickly with a qualified applicant impresses employers most and keeps them as clients.
He says it's perverse to refuse applicants with beards.
The Dickens study concludes: Very few offers of settlement conveyed by the conciliation officer are refused by applicants .
Page 5 of the form requires applicants to give a statement of case.
The southern state of Bavaria requires all applicants for civil-service jobs to reveal whether they are Scientologists.
A law that took effect in 1994 requires applicants for new licenses to provide proof of legal immigration status.
Probation work New training for probation officers requires applicants to have considerable life experience, so mature applicants are positively encouraged.
Libraries, welfare offices and other outlets require applicants to fill out paperwork to register.
Applicants for teacher-training courses need to have at least one year's experience.
Many job applicants do not know how to write an appealing cover letter.
Ten women were selected from over 30 applicants.
But too many are from unqualified applicants competing for fewer job openings.
Some 400 applicants apply each year for the 110 first-year places.
The applicant must pay the Attorney-General's costs before their Lordships' Board.
The applicant sought a declaration and/or prerogative orders to identify the lawful decisions and correct any unlawful decisions.
The applicant sought judicial review of the Director's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements of the notice.