Meaning of AQUARIUM in English





Even a large aquarium with all possible accessories will cost only around a week to run.

Miniature saltwater systems shrink miles of life into a large aquarium , plus paraphernalia.

This provides the all-round strength required to safely contain the sometimes vast amounts of water in a large all glass aquarium .

They are quick growing and an adult will require a large aquarium of at least 2m × 1m × 1m.

If I were you I'd go the whole hog and set up a large invertebrate aquarium .

As with other well-proportioned cichlids it's important to give this fish a large aquarium .

That's going to need one large aquarium !


Let's continue this look at the marine aquarium scene by looking at the latest thinking regarding the nutritional requirements of marine fish.

Feeding and environment Many elements of marine aquarium care are interdependent and inexorably entwined.

The genus as a whole shares its virtuous qualities with few others in the marine aquarium hobby.


Many of the diurnal, or daylight-active species are popular aquarium subjects, but there are also several popular nocturnal species.

A Yellow Tangs are very popular aquarium fish and many hobbyists try to keep them in shoals.


They require a lot of swimming space, and will suffer if kept in a small aquarium .

With their large mouths they are capable of swallowing smaller aquarium fishes.

Equally they can both be very interesting kept in a small aquarium .

There are several theories as to why fish might jump from a small aquarium .

It remains smaller in the aquarium .



The aquarium fish form only a part of Chris' hobby.

This little fellow grows up three to four inches in length and is a fairly hardy aquarium fish .

A Yellow Tangs are very popular aquarium fish and many hobbyists try to keep them in shoals.

At the same time they serve as a suitable spawning medium for many species of aquarium fish .

It's perhaps the most striking aquarium fish available to us - the Siamese Tigerfish Datnoides microlepis and Datnoides quadrifasciatus.

For some time it has been suspected that these voltages affect aquarium fish , causing stress and possibly disease.

There are few aquarium fish which are so uniformly peaceful and easily-maintained as the rasboras.


I do not accept that a home aquarium system can be devised which requires no water changes at all.

Angelfishes are characteristically hardy in the home aquarium .

In the warm, crowded conditions of the home aquarium , the parasites overwhelm the fish.

Most of the fishes of this family are too large to be kept in the home aquarium .

However, the two species described earlier are far superior and preferred for the home aquarium .

Most of these species are too large for the home aquarium , and many are too expensive.

There are a number of other butterflyfish suitable for the home aquarium .


I suggest you add another Triton tube and include an aquarium plant fertiliser.

They are suitable aquarium plants and are cultivated like Cryptocoryne species in a medium-rich substratum and water that is not too acid.

Comments: A good aquarium plant and easy to grow.

Most aquarium plants come from tropical and subtropical areas, with a few from the warmer parts of the temperate zone.

Comments: An ideal aquarium plant requiring a large tank.

Only V. dubyana is frequently cultivated as a decorative aquarium plant .

Other requirements: Light: Requires bright light over a longer period than is required for most aquarium plants .

This is one of the most beautiful aquarium plants .


Special liquid reagents or tablets are added to a sample of aquarium water .

The recommendation is to avoid attempting to remove algae by adding chemicals to the aquarium water .

The main difficulty is that such heavy feeders are easy to overfeed and are capable of quickly fouling the aquarium water .

All you need is a sample of aquarium water .

These same fishkeepers then wonder why their aquarium water is for ever murky and their fish losses high.

Then open the bag and add a cupful of aquarium water , followed by another cupful a few minutes later.



Only V. dubyana is frequently cultivated as a decorative aquarium plant.

This is also true for plants cultivated in the aquarium , except those species forming rhizomes.

Many of them have gotten into aquarium literature, although they can not be cultivated in the aquarium.

It can not be cultivated in the aquarium .

This plant has been known for 60 years but has not yet been cultivated extensively in the aquarium .


It will grow well in plain aquarium coarse sand or fine gravel.

A hardy and easy plant to grow in the aquarium .

It will grow quite well in aquarium gravel with very little organic matter.

A very hardy Aponogeton, and one of the best to grow in the aquarium .

Cultivation: Very undemanding as to growing medium, this plant will even grow in plain aquarium gravel or sand.

Therefore it is an easy but hardy specimen to grow in the aquarium .

Comments: Like the first two species, this is a very good, decorative one, easily grown in the aquarium .

Comments: Quite a sensitive plant to grow in the aquarium .


They require a lot of swimming space, and will suffer if kept in a small aquarium .

Most of the fishes of this family are too large to be kept in the home aquarium .

In a pond goldfish will grow considerably larger than if kept in an indoor aquarium .

Please could you tell me the best form of algae to keep in a fish-only aquarium ?


This tank can be kept at a temp of 22-24° throughout the year using three 300 watt aquarium heaters.


Comments: A. crispus is capable of adapting to many aquarium conditions.

It is one of the most resistant aquarium plants and should become very popular.

Many of the diurnal, or daylight-active species are popular aquarium subjects, but there are also several popular nocturnal species.

Thanks to this quick getaway aquarium heaters need not be shielded to protect Ampullaria from burns.

The esthetic appearance of the finished aquarium must of course be given some consideration.

The tank is slightly overcrowded but regular maintenance of the aquarium does alleviate this situation.

This variety is especially useful for planting in the corners of an aquarium , where it provides a shelter for refuge-seeking fishes.

With their large mouths they are capable of swallowing smaller aquarium fishes.

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