But the timber is still much prized and Westonbirt arboretum hopes all the felled trunks will be put to good use.
In 1839-40 George Loddiges laid out the arboretum at the Abney Park cemetery.
Popular with senior citizens and the motor-coach touring set, the Heritage Plantation is billed as an Americana theme park and arboretum .
So the coppicing at Westonbirt arboretum may help to ensure the survival of more than just the trees.
The arboretum has a romantic history.
The original forest garden extended into further plots, an arboretum and a small peace garden.
The roots and branches of the Suez war require an arboretum of their own.
White has been at the arboretum for 14 years and observes that the best autumn colour often comes after the worst summers.