We have not studied whether indomethacin affects arterial blood flow.
However, an exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining the arterial blood gas values.
Somatostatin is known to reduce splanchnic blood flow without modifying systemic arterial blood pressure.
The next step is to obtain arterial blood gas measurements.
The 2 groups had similar ages, arterial blood gases, and spirometry.
In such arteriovenous malformations, much of the oxygenated arterial blood is shunted directly into the veins without ever traversing the capillaries.
Intense though Emily Dickinson was, Emily had never experienced the spume and spray of arterial blood .
Whether these are actually present is then determined by considering the electrolytes and arterial blood gas measurement.
This can happen with chronic diabetes or arterial disease .
Conclusions Cigarette smoking is a major cause of arterial disease , whether of the heart, brain or legs.
Animal fats and refined sugar contribute to a weight problem and can be a factor in heart and arterial disease .
These symptoms are often the first evidence of advancing arterial disease .
Nineteen of the children who died were hypoxaemic on admission with arterial oxygen saturations ranging from 88% to 40%.
Among children who survived for at least five days arterial oxygen saturation on admission ranged from 41% to 98%.
The arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate of all patients were monitored by pulse oximetry before and during the procedure.
Comparison of mean arterial oxygen saturation between the groups showed significantly higher levels in the nasal oxygen group throughout the procedure.
Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
Mean arterial pressure was the most important variable to adjust for between the two groups.
All patients had continuous monitoring of arterial pressure and urine output.
The variability in mean arterial pressure within and between subjects was 4% and 6% respectively.
In the intensive care unit the patient was managed with central venous pressure monitoring and direct arterial pressure monitoring.
Driving-related report, however, was highest in shopping areas, then arterial roads , and lowest in residential areas.
As early as 1913 a conference was held of all local authorities in Greater London to plan comprehensively for arterial roads .
To get to their house you drive down arterial roads lined with buildings that are neither warehouses nor shops.
Animal fats and refined sugar contribute to a weight problem and can be a factor in heart and arterial disease.
By instigating a calcium deficiency inside the cells, the drugs cause muscles lining arterial walls to relax.
Does the arterial blood gas fit with simple compensation, or is a mixed disorder present? 5.
However, an exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining the arterial blood gas values.
Is there anything uglier in the whole landscape than an arterial by-pass road, except an airfield?
One client from each surgery had bilateral ulceration but clients with critical limb ischaemia and arterial ulceration were not included.
This can happen with chronic diabetes or arterial disease.
Unlike Chan etal, we found no significant relation between alcohol consumption and arterial P co 2.