Meaning of ASPIRE in English





Since then he has created a garden few of us would aspire to after a lifetime of gardening.

Partnerships differ in scope, purpose and specific orientation and in the nature of relationship they aspire to .

Billy Egan and Terry Place had not quite risen to their ranks, although Egan at least had aspired to.

But I also know that Gordon Wilson's view is the only one worth aspiring to .

What he aspired to was the union of southern Anglian peoples under the leadership of a Mercian king and a Mercian archbishop.

What finer sepulchre of honour could any Marine ever aspire to ?

It's a description to aspire to.

As in Darcy's Utopia, in the future we aspire to .



To hold such a cure, a man must aspire to the crown of humanity.

If the model democratic citizen is active, participating, and influential, is this what the ordinary man aspires to be?

The cultivation of creativity is the most important requirement of men who aspire to the highest reaches of the transcendent world.

Before he made that call, he would have said he was a man who aspired to peace, and rest.

Police earnings in the 1920s were substantial by comparison with most other occupations to which a working man could aspire .

What then were the hurdles facing a young man aspiring to a scholarly career in the early sixteenth century?

When I was a young man , aspiring detectives would attend at autopsies on their rest days, just for experience.


It is a sign of the economic desperation that young people even aspire to work in impoverished Moscow and Bucharest.

Sir Adrian believes that today young people aspiring to careers in industry should seriously think about setting up their own small firms.

To be a good business man is the epitome of development and these learned people secretly aspire to that goal.

This may be excellent fodder for people who are aspiring to be the next winner of Mastermind.


How he must have aspired to rise up forcefully, his yearning impregnating the walls with a similar passion.

Laura had always aspired to the very best within a certain budget; her budget had now expanded.

What he aspired to was the union of southern Anglian peoples under the leadership of a Mercian king and a Mercian archbishop.

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