Meaning of ASTRONOMY in English





There were already rumors that the new astronomy was incompatible with Scripture, and he had already been denounced from the pulpit.

So Princeton University Press certainly knows what it is doing with its new astronomy handbook.

To do so would constitute a stumbling block to the reconversion of Protestants who favored the new astronomy .

One of the great names in the new physical astronomy was Norman Lockyer, who rapidly mastered the techniques of spectrum analysis.


A beguiling little one-of-a-kind movie about a dwarf who gets hooked on astronomy and grows up to be a writer.

An imperfect start, but one that over time will reveal a great deal about mathematics, astronomy , and science.

Certainly, as regards astronomy , no advances were made; in fact, just the opposite occurred.

Heat had intimate links with chemistry, and optics with astronomy .

It is not only biology, but cosmology, physics and astronomy that presuppose a general evolutionary account of the cosmos.

One could accept the mathematical models of Copernican astronomy without even considering whether the earth really moves.

So Princeton University Press certainly knows what it is doing with its new astronomy handbook.

They called it Schiaparelli, in honour of a hero of the art of astronomy .

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