Meaning of ASTUTE in English



a shrewd/astute businessman (= able to understand situations in business and make good decisions )

Are you a shrewd businessman, quick to see how to make a profit?

astute/shrewd (= one who is good at getting what he wants done )

He proved to be an astute politician.




He's probably the most astute politician in the Middle East, and we knew we could do business with him.

But Dole had little choice but to roll the dice in a way that surprised even the most astute political observers.

It was great fun, Jack Benny being one of the most astute performers anyone could meet.

The market in 1994 was at best indifferent, rewarding only the most astute stock pickers.

The threat of all Darlington Catholics voting against him was the most astute piece of political blackmail I have ever seen.

It was probably the most astute financial accomplishment of the Herrera administration.

Not even the most astute planning can cover the infinite variables thrown up by a sport of such bewildering complexity.


Mrs Thatcher may feel it would be politically astute to take a lead in getting a convention under way.

Caving into Jorge Mas Canosa was politically astute .

Ever since, the Nez Perce have been one of the most politically astute tribes, successfully holding on to their cultural identity.

Nevertheless, much discretion remains for departments to increase their power, and politically astute department heads become skillful at doing so.

To stand up in Congress and speak against homeownership would have been as politically astute as to campaign against motherhood.


She always had an eye for a bargain and was very astute in her shopping.

But this elite group was very astute .


astute management

an astute judge of talent

Morgan was surprised at how astute she was. "How did you know that?" he asked.

The President's wife is often politically astute , ambitious and very influential in White House policy decisions.

The scale of the riots seemed to surprise even the most astute commentators.


An astute businessman and virtual workaholic, he has his finger in more proverbial puddings than Little Jack Horner.

And even the more astute types, such as Safire, may have their gumshoes pointed up the wrong alleys.

Barley is much too astute to state this baldly, but it informs his every strategy as author.

Each of our senses is a remarkably astute censor.

It always annoys me so much the way you girls trot it out like you're saying something so astute and revealing.

They would think me, if not a genius, then at least astute .

Under the surface of an everyday conversation a duel of two astute minds was taking place.

Will they have an astute sense of time, space, design, proportion, ratio, and the like?

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