Meaning of AUDIBLE in English



an audible sigh (= a sigh that can be heard )

Tonight she breathed an audible sigh of relief as the show ended.

barely audible/perceptible/visible/discernible etc

His voice was barely audible.




During the succession crisis of 1730 complaints against compulsory service were barely audible even among the lesser nobility.

The music in the restaurant is barely audible .

The sound was tar oft and barely audible .

When Jim acknowledged him, a barely audible groan rippled through the room.

At first, there were faint murmurings, barely audible even within the row, and self-conscious answers from the team leader.

He spoke in a barely audible , husky growl - but it overlay the rumble of a harshly controlled anger.

There was a smattering of light applause and a barely audible groan from the back.


He stumbled, and lay in agony, his cries of pain clearly audible around a now-hushed ground.

In the clear night air the sound of battle at the nearest of the gates was clearly audible .

The shot had been clearly audible and the activity by the water was energized by panic.

The sound was clearly audible in the awful silence.

The swearing of the two men in it was clearly audible .


The singer's voice was just audible .

Her piping voice was only just audible .

Her prayer beads were constantly moving and a steady stream of soft petitions to Allah were just audible .



There was an audible sigh of relief.

There was an almost audible sigh of relief as they all stood around the foot of the column.

An audible sigh of relief rose from the ranks of mainstream macroeconomists.

There was an almost audible sigh of relief around the world that some one had been caught tampering with the dictionary.


His voice was barely audible above the noise of the generator.

The signal is clearly audible up to 200 miles away.

There was an audible gasp from the audience.

When the engine finally started she gave an audible sigh of relief.


Firing up the Rolls is an occasion that goes unheralded by audible means.

He stumbled, and lay in agony, his cries of pain clearly audible around a now-hushed ground.

Neighbours will appreciate a further benefit - it does not rely on the 1812 overture or other audible deterrents.

So soothing is the language of layoffs that the stunned victims often make no audible outcry.

The grunts of exasperation among applied econometricians were almost audible .

There was an audible sigh of relief.

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