Well, maybe not quite as awesome as in the past.
I was as awesome as an Arab raiding-party in a Yorkshire village.
But by the finish United had reorganised so successfully that their potential looked as awesome as ever.
Today Glascoed's external appearance is largely unchanged and its scale is as awesome as ever.
The tiger is without doubt the most awesome and magnificent of the big cats.
Nature at her most awesome had been subdued.
To Mum, Joshua was a most awesome servant of the Lord.
He read hard from the beginning - everything from the most popular to the most awesome works.
The hands remain outside the bodies, giving a sense that humans may not penetrate something so awesome as a spirit animal.
All of the Princes and Dukes of this realm are mages of awesome power .
Church had managed for the first time to capture the awesome power of the cataract.
Power of Sigmar Magnus the Pious is protected by the awesome power of Sigmar guarding over him.
It is also why the bureaucrats who staff such regulatory agencies have such awesome power .
Even in terms of his own quite awesome power he was nothing but an underling in relation to his superior.
This is an awesome power that, even when exercised arbitrarily, will be immune from judicial review.
The earthquake of October 1989 reminded San Franciscans of the awesome power of the thing.
Now blood itself, as an ideal has always had an awesome power to move us.
Gedanken had never seen such an awesome sight .
The food was totally awesome .
The view was awesome .
Abruptly the ground fell away from our feet, an awesome void opened before us.
Great areas of grass and woodland thus give way to mesquite desert, at an awesome economic loss to man.
In the light of this awesome fact, how can we treat our membership of that body so lightly?
It is this, as well as the awesome and terrifying vision at the time, which so disturbed him.
It truly is awesome , even at this level; it can be terribly challenging and terribly exciting.
It was an act that demonstrated how awesome are the power and prestige of the presidency.
Their weariness was honorable, even awesome .