The offender entered the premises wearing a balaclava and told the sub-postmaster to open the safe.
He was wearing a balaclava so all I could see was his eyes.
He was wearing a balaclava and dark clothing.
He was grabbed by a man wearing a black balaclava and pulled to the ground.
The family's ordeal began when the men burst into their Colchester bungalow, wearing balaclavas and brandishing sawn-off shotguns.
The three men, wearing balaclavas , reversed the Ford Sierra, which had been stolen from Huntington, through the doors.
He was wearing a red ski balaclava , a dark cotton jacket and tracksuit bottoms.
Elstob was brandishing a pick axe handle and both men were wearing balaclavas .
A third man stood there; black tracksuit without insignia, balaclava mask covering the head.
Exhaled breath freezes wherever it touches, and balaclavas, scarves, beards and eyelashes become frosted.
He was wearing a balaclava so all I could see was his eyes.
Instead, we played some strange game that culminated in cavorting naked in the snow except for boots, underpants and balaclavas.
Police are tonight examining a balaclava which was found near the scene.
The girl had a black balaclava over her head, and her hands were handcuffed in front of her.
The offender entered the premises wearing a balaclava and told the sub-postmaster to open the safe.