Meaning of BARGEPOLE in English



not touch sth/sb (with a bargepole)

Dole says he will not touch Medicare, and he wants to throw more money at the Pentagon.

I reached out to feel your forehead, but you burned so hot I could not touch you with my bare hands.

If you have a chest, head or abdominal wound, keep as quiet as possible - do not touch the wound.

Its theory is both rigorous and self-consistent and has provided descriptions of many aspects which structural grammar did not touch upon.

So if he got on the stand, Harvester could not touch him.

The meter and service pipe should not touch or be close to any electrical conduit or apparatus.

They do not touch every topic, nor every region.

You can't hate what you can not touch , I can't even feel what most people think of as despair.


And Bargepole , as you well know, is generally incapable of standing up.

Comparatively few sophisticated clients will touch licensed dealers with a bargepole .

I warned against it at the time, telling investors not to touch it with a bargepole .

Now that's what I call canvassing! Bargepole I went on a freebie last week and think I am in love again.

What is to become of you and Guttersnipe and particularly Bargepole ?

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