The biggest beneficiary is the Oxfordshire Drug Dependency Team, which receives twenty-seven thousand pounds.
Q.. You were one of the biggest beneficiaries of telecommunication PACs.
Bank shares, which have been among the biggest beneficiaries of the inflow of foreign funds, were mostly winners.
However, employers are probably the main beneficiaries of any reduction in absenteeism.
Then we spend our money on software whose main beneficiary is the computer itself.
The main beneficiaries would not be war veterans so much as people with proven farming ability.
The main beneficiary in both cases was the head of the family, Anthony earl Rivers.
The main beneficiary of it was the agricultural worker and the principal loser the landowner.
It was not obvious, however, that Labour would be the main beneficiary of this change.
He was a major beneficiary of the video boom and used his profits to diversify and expand abroad.
Another major beneficiary is education, where spending per pupil is expected to rise by more than £500 over four years.
It was middle classes who were the major beneficiaries of the economic and social changes which occurred during the inter-war years.
MacDonald also had condemned the Lloyd George coalition as corrupt and unprincipled and had been a major beneficiary of its fall.
Offices as centres of information - processing in organizations, are major beneficiaries of this new technology.
Paradoxically, the other major beneficiary from apparent disillusion with the established parties was the far right Front national.
Ironically, Wang's sons have been major beneficiaries of those reforms.
The first defendant is the principal beneficiary under the 18 April document.
The principal beneficiaries of these grants were the middling and lesser nobility.
The principal victims or beneficiaries of this change of direction are the historic tied houses.
In California, 38 percent of Medicare beneficiaries are members of HMOs, compared with about 11. 5 percent nationally.
The discipline and profession of town planning became a beneficiary of this wider frame of social concern.
As the smoke cleared, it became apparent that the beneficiaries included Mr Walesa himself.
Thus, lower rates will be payable if the income is paid to beneficiaries with low incomes.
Single mothers will be the chief beneficiaries of this new policy.
And they, the despised and rejected of the earth, were both its beneficiaries and its heralds.
Both sides, the benefactor and beneficiary , were equally needy.
How were local economic development strategies carried out, what were their outcomes and impacts, and who were their beneficiaries?
In practice, beneficiary households have to pool their meager grants in order to buy a farm from a willing seller.
The legal costs will be paid from your Estate so there will be less to divide between relatives and other beneficiaries.
The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.