Meaning of BERET in English





The first showed three soldiers in the cockpit of an armoured car, two with helmets, one with a black beret .

He has made a few concessions to fashion, however, notably a black beret .

This mournfully bright menial Val wore high heels and a black beret .

Cam, 67, wears a hearing aid and a black beret and walks with a cane.

I wore a black beret , black leather jacket and black corduroy trousers.

A sailor stood beside the captain, behind them a dozen men in jungle fatigues and black berets .

She had pale hair pulled back severely, and a black beret .

Galliano play seamless, mellow grooves with soul, and not a black beret in sight.


And of course, you will gain your green beret - the mark of a Royal Marines commando.

His green beret lay close by.


They were wearing paramilitary uniform and red berets .



Artists wear berets and smocks and cut their ears off.

Only a few had helmets and combat boots; most wore berets or cotton bush hats.

I wore a black beret , black leather jacket and black corduroy trousers.

Sitting in Les Deux Magots wearing a beret is not necessarily being a critical learner.

Jeff had three days' growth of beard and he habitually wore a beret to cover his baldness.

He has a possible mole on his left cheek and was wearing a beret .


Antoinette wore her new blue suit and white beret .

But the unit will retain a distinctive identity by having tan berets.

He has made a few concessions to fashion, however, notably a black beret .

Sitting in Les Deux Magots wearing a beret is not necessarily being a critical learner.

The cherry berets made meticulous house-searches, even digging up the floors of some places, going into roof spaces with torches.

The first showed three soldiers in the cockpit of an armoured car, two with helmets, one with a black beret .

This mournfully bright menial Val wore high heels and a black beret .

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