Meaning of BIDE in English





Voice over Britain may have to bide it's time for it's next tennis hero ... It could be Tim Henman.

Meanwhile, Mission Bay bided its time .

Where does it bide its time ?

Keenan certainly bided his time before coming forward to lodge his complaints.

He knows he would probably lose now and can afford to bide his time .

He has bided his time , and now he feels he has arrived.

It was as if he was just biding his time .

It was possible, of course, that Stillman was merely biding his time , lulling the world into lethargy before striking.


Bide your time, Lissa, she told herself, bide your time.

Be patient, tolerant and bide your time.

But he was biding his time.

He has bided his time, and now he feels he has arrived.

He knows he would probably lose now and can afford to bide his time.

It was as if he was just biding his time.

Meanwhile, Mission Bay bided its time.

The nurse was biding her time till another idea came to her that would put her on top again.

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