In it they found and pocketed several thousand pounds, the takings of the bingo hall , then left.
The pictures are long gone here, replaced by the inevitable bingo hall .
He worked as a sports salesman, a bingo hall caller and a fruit seller before joining the Royal Navy.
It had been successful up to the 1960s, but had latterly declined to being used as a bingo hall .
The residents go to the pub, the local corner shop, the club and they go and play bingo .
He plays bingo three or four times a week, and he reads a lot.
I didn't know what it was, and they had to play in-between bingo sets.
Their mums are both nurses at St Ita's Hospital and they play bingo together on Saturdays.
We played bingo and had a cup of tea and a laugh.
He plays bingo three or four times a week, and he reads a lot.
I didn't know what it was, and they had to play in-between bingo sets.
In it they found and pocketed several thousand pounds, the takings of the bingo hall, then left.
Permission was sought to use the new bingo machine at meetings of the club and this was granted. 5.
The casino offers just bingo and 200 slot machines.
The pictures are long gone here, replaced by the inevitable bingo hall.