The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
The Senate is already close to a bipartisan agreement on those programs, according to Sen.
The vote was 306-108, with the majority Republicans solidly supporting the bipartisan bill and Democrats split.
One piece of legislation that has gained momentum amid the concern about workers is a bipartisan bill sponsored by Sen.
Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Republican sponsor of the leading bipartisan bill .
This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
The law itself, according to the bipartisan commission , is a source of continuing illegal migration.
Clinton wants a bipartisan commission to resolve the problem.
But the greatest problem, as revealed by a recent report from a bipartisan commission , is on the nation's farms.
Suggested it would take a bipartisan commission to find answers for long-term imbalances in Social Security and Medicare.
So far, according to a bipartisan commission monitoring the law, only 12 million workers have taken advantage of the provisions.
A bipartisan commission had worked for more than a year to produce the blueprint for the legislation that the House passed.
Y., who is chairman of the bipartisan commission .
He also proposes a bipartisan commission to examine the issue as the best politically possible way to change the system.
Clinton said he offered the deal as a sign of bipartisan cooperation .
Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.
The House has not yet considered the farm bill where a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Rep.
At the same time, the bipartisan groups from the House and Senate, led by Sen.
Two years ago, an independent bipartisan panel on tax reform chaired by Sen.
Afterward, the two sides may create a bipartisan panel to seek a longer term solution.
If we can have such an assurance we shall be able, for once, to say that the Bill has bipartisan support .
Jim Chapman, D-Texas, is expected to pass the House on Friday with bipartisan support .
Almost all those provisions command bipartisan support .
It passed the Legislature with strong bipartisan support .
There is growing bipartisan support for lifting them altogether.
But in 1989, when the minimum wage was last raised, Dole joined the strong bipartisan support for the action.
The bill is the first campaign reform measure in 25 years with bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
a bipartisan agreement to balance the federal budget
Almost all those provisions command bipartisan support.
Clinton said he offered the deal as a sign of bipartisan cooperation.
In Congress there have been bipartisan allegations of a Pentagon cover-up.
It also has received bipartisan congressional support.
Kentucky last had a bipartisan ruling coalition in 1920.
One piece of legislation that has gained momentum amid the concern about workers is a bipartisan bill sponsored by Sen.
Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
Y., who is chairman of the bipartisan commission.