Flowers joined the list of sinning Saints, but there won't be a more bizarre booking this season.
Their delusions are indeed more bizarre , such as thoughts being broadcast into their heads or being controlled by men from Mars.
The truth was both more mundane and more bizarre .
That remarkable achievement seems more bizarre with every passing day.
Reality was proving far more bizarre than anything Polly's subconscious mind had been conjuring up.
Even more bizarre cases of expensive regulatory adventures abound.
They've accommodated far more bizarre ones in the past.
Even more bizarre was the terminology the firm used to describe its internal problems.
The most bizarre and incredible aspect of this case was what followed.
This was more than just a belated postscript to one of the closest and most bizarre elections in history.
For at the table's head sat the most bizarre Scarabae of all.
Perhaps it is the inevitable curiosity summoned by one of the most bizarre and unnerving crimes of the century.
First, and perhaps most bizarre , is the field entitled design history.
And this association is the one which produces Summers's most bizarre evidence.
Perhaps the most bizarre example involves Bill Hoskins, a masters student in exploratory physics.
One of the most bizarre things I saw was the lengthy and intricate preparation for the blessing of a new furniture store.
The beauty of that late summer came to seem, finally, quite bizarre .
There are well-formed sensory impressions, though sometimes quite bizarre .
It's odd how faults, often quite bizarre ones, come in pairs in these tests.
It seems quite bizarre that people who play other people's records for a living can reach these dizzy heights of stardom.
The offences committed by such people are at times of a rather bizarre nature and may be trivial or serious.
Thus it was Gorbachev who took the lead in promoting the next summit, using rather bizarre tactics to bring it about.
This choice of weapons seemed rather bizarre .
I remember at one rehearsal the Don Giovanni came on stage in a rather bizarre costume.
His particular application of Benveniste's terms is actually rather bizarre and unproductive.
So astonishing are the anecdotes, so bizarre the characters, that eventually the reader has to suspend a truckload of disbelief.
The symptoms may be so bizarre that the disorder is misdiagnosed as a psychogenic condition.
In fact, so bizarre are these minuscule penile structures that boffins will often rely on them to tell various insects apart.
Create coincidence so bizarre they have to believe it.
Because it is so bizarre it is not possible to go down a very new route of comedy without appearing derivative.
The case has gotten so bizarre that Sen.
It was at this point that he began to realize what a very bizarre and difficult case he had fallen into.
It would be very bizarre if I was respected solely because of these awards.
It was a wonderful piece. Very bizarre .
How did this bizarre situation come about?
White deejays' desire to sound black resulted in some bizarre situations .
The bizarre thing was, I don't think they realised this.
This is a bizarre thing , this national disgust hanging over the World Series like the smell of old tuna.
One of the most bizarre things I saw was the lengthy and intricate preparation for the blessing of a new furniture store.
This has been the strangest, the most bizarre thing I have ever witnessed.
It was such a bizarre twist that we couldn't see how anyone would find a way around it.
In a bizarre twist , the continuing rise in fuel taxes could force the petrol companies themselves to hike prices further.
bizarre religious sects
Colin later took his own life in a bizarre suicide pact with his mother.
It was bizarre - if we took longer than five minutes in the bathroom, we had to explain why to our manager.
The characters Arden creates are often odd and sometimes bizarre .
The marriage between the two stars was as bizarre as it was short-lived.
They tell the most bizarre stories about him.
Woods disappeared in very bizarre circumstances, and no trace of him has ever been found.
A bizarre interpretation occurred to him.
First, and perhaps most bizarre , is the field entitled design history.
Half the fun is working out where bizarre reality parts from realistic fantasy!
The bizarre circumstances of her early life left her with a scatter-shot education and an early talent for embellishing the truth.
They are not just a little different, they are bizarre looking.
Watching this movie is like having a bizarre , detailed series of dreams just prior to dawn.