Meaning of BLASPHEMY in English



For his blasphemy and irresponsible behaviour, he was doomed to wander about like a sea-tossed ghost, never to rest again.

It was too close to blasphemy to be comfortable.

The word itself is sacred, and to suggest otherwise is blasphemy .

They are also interpretations that do not tolerate challenges - either in the form of offences against the king or blasphemy .

They would be joined by the H-P contingent, a cautious lot sensitive to all sorts of blasphemies against previously held wisdom.

Victor's plan for this creature's coming resurrection would be a blasphemy .

Was he relishing this moment, deliberately prolonging it in anticipation out of bile at the cadet's blasphemy ?

Wilful impediment of the sacred moves was not only ill-mannered, but the worst form of blasphemy .

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