Meaning of BLOKE in English





Such a big strong bloke , and such a softie.

He's a big bloke but I think I could handle him.

As I developed I became a big bloke and that stood me in good stead.

He's not a big bloke .


Shit, he was a good bloke .

Elton John is probably the best bloke on the whole planet.

He loves you, he's a good bloke , you've been together for over a year.

In the confused laws of the cockney underworld, they were good blokes in the community they terrorised.

So, he's - hey! - a good bloke , but so what?

He's a good bloke he is.

Like I said, good bloke .


Billy Norfolk was a nice enough bloke , but it wasn't much of a marriage.

He was a nice bloke though.

Really nice bloke , he was.

Sheldon, who is a really nice bloke and very fond of children, was pushing an elderly lady in a wheelchair.

The headmaster had a large store of quotations designed to show what a nice , easygoing bloke Muhammad was.

Maura wished that she could meet a nice bloke and get right out of it.


On the local news on the radio. poor old bloke !

There were a lot of old blokes , and women, even some elderly women.

The old bloke at reception comes out and says there's a call for Claire Parsons.


The three other blokes are Noel, a guitarist, Mike, a bassist and Fergal, a drummer.

The other bloke in this cell.

Now some other bloke Is subsidizing Tracy and her thirst.

What's to say two other blokes didn't get into my cab, while I was away?



Maura wished that she could meet a nice bloke and get right out of it.

Their daughter would, of course, have explained that she had only just met the bloke .

If I met Pam's bloke coming down Briggate I'd give him a wide berth.


I couldn't see a bloke like Cliff spending more hours a day with her than he had to.

I turned back to see the bloke I'd kicked.

Did you see that bloke , man.

I went to see this bloke play at Ronnie Scott's last night.

If we saw two blokes coming out of a pub rolling drunk we might wait to see what develops before acting.

From outside-we see this scrawny bloke in the frame of the doorway, in his grey underpants.


He's a strange bloke though.

He wasn't the kind of bloke to do it on purpose.

Only what Kate didn't know was that when that break came, Patrick would also be after the bloke .

Some of these blokes have eight or nine houses on the go.

The three other blokes are Noel, a guitarist, Mike, a bassist and Fergal, a drummer.

There's a young bloke cleaning the tables.

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