Meaning of BOMBARDMENT in English





In 1932 Stanley Baldwin had revealed that, in the opinion of the experts, there was no defence against aerial bombardment .

Taylor was forced to retreat to the eastern outskirts of Monrovia on Oct. 12 following aerial bombardment of his positions.


Most, it had to be recognised, would have been unable to resist a heavy and sustained bombardment .

Despite a heavy bombardment of the Occra Hills the abuses resumed almost immediately.

On April 27 there was a heavy bombardment of Sarajevo, and fighting intensified thereafter.

Establish as heavy a bombardment as the cannon will stand against the walls and the guns by the walls.

In these theories the late heavy bombardment can be separate from accretion, as in curve B in Figure 6.9.

This is called the late heavy bombardment .

Outline the evidence that some sort of late heavy bombardment occurred on all terrestrial planets. 5.

Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.


Scarborough had even suffered a naval bombardment !



The effects of the artillery bombardment and the air strikes had been devastating.

Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.

But for some extraordinary reason these bombers were wasted on attacking rail junctions that were already under effective artillery bombardment .

The next day they withdrew under sporadic artillery bombardment .

This took the form of an artillery bombardment in which 6000 were killed.


The devastating air bombardment of the last four weeks is only the latest of a series of assaults by foreign armies.

The Germans began their bombardment of Paris in early 1870.


But the ejection of grains by bombardment will not be even on a surface such as that shown in Fig. 1 1.2.

Despite a heavy bombardment of the Occra Hills the abuses resumed almost immediately.

Most, it had to be recognised, would have been unable to resist a heavy and sustained bombardment .

These factors, however, made the camps prime targets for enemy attack and bombardment .

Thunder exploded, roll after roll after roll, so that there seemed to be no gap between but only an incessant bombardment .

You can not imagine what the first few minutes of that bombardment were like.

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