bomber jacket
stealth bomber/aircraft/fighter etc (= a plane made using this system )
suicide bomber
They were flying the route taken by the heavy bombers 50 years before.
Last in the repertoire were the B-52 heavy bombers .
Two heavy bombers moved across the sky at about ten thousand feet.
Few bomber crews - if in fact any - exceeded this total, and certainly not in heavy bombers.
The second type of target is strategic bomber bases.
Originally torpedo bombers first then high level bombers and dive bombers.
The first wave was composed of 183 planes: level bombers , dive bombers, torpedo planes, and fighters.
Our dive bombers found numerous carrier-type aircraft lined up on the apron of the field and quickly set them ablaze.
This force, under my command, consisted of 36 fighters, 54 dive bombers , and 90 level bombers.
From the latest fighter bomber , to something a little older.
Knowing that it would call up the fighter bombers , the convoy scattered into whatever cover could be found.
The planes are returning to the United States, although F-One-Eleven fighter bombers are staying on.
At one point Dostam used fighter bombers to attack the presidential palace and defence ministry.
Pentagon officials acknowledge using two Stealth fighter bombers to drop 2,000 pound bombs.
F-one-eleven fighter bombers have been flying from the base for more than twenty years.
Wearing jeans and bomber jacket with no make-up, she wasn't trying to be a big deal at all.
In this crossover category are thigh-length parkas that offer more protection on wind-whipped city streets than the old bomber jackets .
He was wearing a black zip-up leather bomber jacket .
He was wearing a black bomber jacket , red T-shirt and faded jeans.
By the look of him he might well have left a genuine World War Two leather bomber jacket in the bedroom.
Co-star Steve McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell, settled for a bomber jacket with blue jeans.
The man was aged 25-30, wearing a leather bomber jacket .
The two cases attracting the most public attention are those of former bomber pilot Kelly Flinn and Gen.
After the Gulf war everybody wanted Tornados or the Stealth bomber .
The Air Force has made its radar-evading B-2 stealth bombers even harder to find in the air.
Congress left itself the option of forbidding line-item vetoes of major program appropriations, such as funding more Stealth bombers .
Is it because we got the Stealth bomber ?
Can suicide bombers really be considered cowards?
Anonymous but infamous in death, they are the suicide bombers who killed 14 people last month in a Jerusalem market.
The bomb, it said, had been planted by a suicide bomber , named as Abu Yasser.
The homes of suicide bombers will be sealed, then destroyed, he said.
A woman Tiger suicide bomber then assassinated Gandhi.
But it was unlucky 13 when he took off from an airfield in Yorkshire in a Halifax bomber .
Gentlemen, you could very well be using this gravel strip as an emergency landing field for huge bombers.
His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes.
Knowing that it would call up the fighter bombers, the convoy scattered into whatever cover could be found.
Three of the admiral's aides, along with the bomber , also died in the attack.
What is left of the bombers is their upper torsos, their heads and their faces.