Meaning of BOOKLET in English



an instruction booklet/leaflet/sheet

The washing machine comes with an instruction leaflet.




The Department of the Environment produces free booklets on planning permission, enforcement, appeals and compulsory purchase.

Watercress: make use of homegrown crops with a free recipe booklet .

You can also ask them for their three FREE booklets on energy saving.


This new booklet will tell you how.

A new booklet Guidance for Students with Special Needs is currently available from the above address.

The newer booklet takes a hands-on approach and progresses in a far more appropriate manner.

Nopw the National Osteoporosis Society has produced this new information booklet .

Re-Solv plans to distribute 700,000 copies of a new booklet to shops and businesses throughout the country.



Procedure Each subject was given a booklet consisting of seven pages.


The Department of the Environment produces free booklets on planning permission, enforcement, appeals and compulsory purchase.

To commemorate the move, the accountancy firm, Peat Marwick, has produced a booklet of budget trivia.

The Trust has produced a very good booklet which costs £1 to everyone except Daily Mirror readers.

Nopw the National Osteoporosis Society has produced this new information booklet .

Fourth-year juniors can produce project booklets for first or second-year juniors.

Beauty without cruelty has produced a booklet that proves you can look great whatever your age.

The unit plans to produce a health information booklet for all women in the region.


A number of local societies publish booklets which may be classified as mini-dictionaries.

The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is publishing a booklet with interviews with the artist.

When he published a small booklet last year offering advice on choosing a last name, it sold out immediately.

They publish leaflets, booklets and videos and know about local agencies who can help.

Some large chains of supermarkets publish booklets on calorie, fat, and fibre content of their foods.

The Bank is wooing retail investors; it has just published a booklet on the virtues of gilts.


But I must admit that I read the booklet with some reserve.

Thank you for reading this booklet .

Didn't he read Silvio Berlusconi's booklet about his endless virtues, sent to potential supporters?

After reading this booklet you may feel that you need more information or some extra help.


We then cross-tabulated status as thus categorized against whether or not teachers had seen the booklet and found our assumption to be correct.

This question went on to ask respondents whether they had seen the booklet , or any part of it.

It is with the perceptions of those teachers who claimed to have seen the booklet that this part is concerned.


Within hours Dar al-Ba'ath had sent the booklet to the Beirut press.

Eight women sent away for instruction booklets , pliers, beads, crosses and hundreds of feet of wire.

One of the card companies even sent me a separate booklet for the New York-New Jersey area.

They should send booklets out to people.


Having actually used the booklet reinforces this positive attitude.


Annie Garnett wrote three booklets: Handspinning, 1896.

These frontline soldiers are cheap, disposable small fry attached to writing pads, booklets , and smart Post-it notes.


a booklet on AIDS


Information booklet on your chosen resort, including a guide to the principal places of interest.

It is a booklet of practical ideas from lecturers and trainers and aims to encourage trainees to develop their personal effectiveness.

The booklet notes by Jan Smaczny are informative.

The project has produced a booklet based on research in selected London boroughs and other areas of the country.

The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is publishing a booklet with interviews with the artist.

These booklets and associated worksheets were used in conjunction with class visits where the librarian gave an introduction to the library.

This authority also often gave details absent from others' booklets.

With most airlines, the booklets contain four coupons, each good for a one-way flight.

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