Meaning of BORED in English





Wants to live life to the full. Easily bored with repetition or details.

They are, in fact, suspicious of anything simple and easily bored with it.

Unfortunately Trevor was a restless child, and easily bored .

Examiners are human beings, and they are easily bored .


But I get so bored with myself.

I wish she hadn't sounded quite so bored , nor in so much of a hurry.

I get so bored at home!

You must be so bored with war talk.

I felt ashamed of feeling so bored with them.


In the end, she got very bored with staring out of the window at all the greenery outside.

It's just that I seem to have got very bored with it.

Jenny's twenty-sixth birthday was rolling round and she was becoming bored - very bored.

Because I would be very bored if all I did was administration.

I get very bored with reading how difficult he is and how cold he is.

I quite suddenly got very bored with M's conversation tonight.

One shop assistant approached my very bored husband rather than me.

I get very bored with all this.


bored/scared/worried stiff

And I was scared stiff about having lied to Mel about being single when he hired me.

Cis, who knew about it, was scared stiff .

He was scared stiff , thought a ghastly mistake had been made.

He was very naturally scared stiff of using up all his remaining petrol and making a bad landing.

Mabel was by now scared stiff and frozen cold.

Poor kid, thought Alice, he's scared stiff .

We looked at each other, scared stiff , but we followed Mrs Bullivant upstairs.


Dad, can we go home now? I'm bored !

Julia soon got bored with lying on the beach.

Kelly gets a new job, and two weeks later he's bored with it.

Mom, I'm bored !

She seems to get bored very easily.

The game isn't great, but it might provide some amusement for bored teenagers.

There's nothing to do here - I'm bored stiff!


Actually, if he had gone, he would have been rather bored .

But that was for bored husbands, and businessmen dating their secretaries.

He was also bored with Yolande and started bringing home girls, suggesting to Yolande that they try a threesome.

I was not bored , not in the least.

Mary looked bored and cross and said nothing.

She felt that Nelson was bored and it was her fault.

The soldier, becoming bored with the game, laconically reached out his cigarette end and burst the balloon in my face.

We got bored of that, we moved on.

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