Meaning of BOWER in English



A bower builder can leave his behind. 72 More direct evidence of this pattern comes from fish.

A table for two had been set in a sort of bower beneath a canopy of spreading palms.

As in other bowerbirds, the male builds an elaborate bower of twigs and ferns and therein tries to seduce females.

Beneath the leafy bowers the golden subjects of the Everqueen dance and sing.

Gould organised the shipment of several complete bowers back to London, where they were put on display at the Zoological Society.

Once acquired they must be guarded against other jealous male bowerbirds anxious to steal them for their own bowers.

What this suggests is that nightingales and bowerbirds have transferred their color to their songs and bowers.

Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women.

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